Probably the best comment on this situation I have heard so - TopicsExpress


Probably the best comment on this situation I have heard so far Robert Surgenor Re: Dead cops. I’ve spent my entire life in law enforcement, and I have never seen the type of adversarial attitude by the public towards the police as I am witnessing today. The video I am posting here sends chills up my neck, black protestors marching in New York chanting “What do we want? Dead cops!” When is the last time you saw a lynch mob headed for your local police department? The current movement by progressives to undermine the structured authority in this country is getting OUT OF CONTROL. And it is gaining momentum because THE MAJORITY IS ALLOWING IT TO HAPPEN. Just look at the responses I get on Facebook when I post an article about some pinhead protesting alleged police brutality. The response is overwhelmingly in favor of our law enforcement officers. And yet the cop haters are winning the war. Why is Al Sharpton allowed to stand up in front of thousands of misguided lemmings in Washington DC spouting racial hate speech, spewing lies about how evil our police officers are and how our black children are not safe if they are near a cop. Why is the mayor of New York stating in a press conference that he told his 17 year old bi-racial son to “be careful around police officers,” implying that cops are dangerous and should be avoided. Why does president Obama continue to fan the flames of distrust by stating he is “deeply disturbed” by how the police react to rioters, stating, “there is no excuse for police to use force against a peaceful protest.” Has anyone yet seen a “peaceful protest?” I for one can’t understand why the police don’t arrest anyone who lays down in front of traffic on a highway to protest police brutality. Yes, they have the right to protest. They don’t have the right to BREAK THE LAW. Why are officers tolerating protestors screaming vulgarities in their faces and taunting them, while the officer just stands there and takes it. Whatever happened to the Disorderly Conduct statute? Protestors continue to break the law. And the police aren’t enforcing it! Can you imagine if, instead of a crowd of black cop haters marching in New York chanting “What do we want? Dead cops,” there was a large crowd of police officers chanting, “What do we want? Dead blacks.” It wouldn’t happen because we wouldn’t tolerate it. THEN WHY ARE WE TOLERATING what is happening all around the country? All of the law enforcement officers I have spoken to are getting fed up. Police deal with violence every day on the job. They deal with violent armed robbers, and violent domestic abusers, and violent protestors, yet the public is accusing them of being violent. Every day I went to work, went out on the road, with absolutely no reason to be violent, until I was faced with violence. As a police officer, I never initiated the violence, but I responded to it if it was necessary. This movement to eliminate “police violence” is a movement to neuter effective law enforcement. It has nothing to do with race, yet the race card is being played by the black community. It has nothing really to do with police brutality. The anti-authority crowd has capitalized on three incidents to promote their agenda to punish to police that they have hated for years. Do they really believe that officer Wilson should have allowed Michael Brown to pull his gun and murder him? When Eric Garner was told by NYPD officers that he was under arrest and he replied “No I’m not,” did they really expect the officers to walk away? How would they have arrested a 300 pound man who didn’t want to be arrested? When the 12 year old boy in Cleveland, playing with a realistic handgun was told by the officer to put his hands in the air, and instead the boy pulled the gun from his waistband, do they really fault that officer in making that split second decision to protect his life? You have to wonder what that child was taught by his parents that he openly defied the command by the officer to put both hands in the air and did the complete opposite. Police officers observe and deal with a violent society on a daily basis. And yet, all of these protests and marches are organized to convince the public that we are all in danger of “police violence.” Are we all that blind that we can’t see that the police are not the problem in our society? Or are the people that realize that the protestors are the real problem just aren’t saying anything?
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:10:16 +0000

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