Problem Reaction Solution. On October 26, 2006, U.S. President - TopicsExpress


Problem Reaction Solution. On October 26, 2006, U.S. President George W. Bush signed the Secure Fence Act of 2006 Congress approved $1.2 billion in a separate homeland security spending bill to bankroll the fence or at least get it started. Where did this money go? No doubt we have a law for every situation that might arise in protecting our Borders plus many plans already passed. In order to create this crises the Gov calls into play a new law about child trafficking said to protect, plus the direct orders given to allow the crises to happen. It is a hive of deception, all to create a need, all to get the people to demand it stop and have reason to further militarize. Now the repub is suggesting Military at the borders to do what Border control cannot because they are busy babysitting. I say it is invented and planned using children, if they can so easily do this to children what makes you think they will not do worse. The Hegelian Dialectic: “It works like this – the manipulating body covertly creates a problem and then directs the media to incessantly focus on it without recourse. The problem could be anything – a war, a financial collapse, a rash of child abductions, or a terrorist attack. The power of the media can create the false perception that a big problem exists, even if it doesn’t … Once you have created this problem you make sure that an individual, a group or an aspect of society is blamed. This then rallies the population behind the desperate lunge for a solution to the problem. ‘Something must be done!’ they cry in unison. The people that created the problem in the first place then come back in and offer the solution that the people demand. Remember – the people screaming for a solution do not know that the problem was artificially created in the first place. The solution to the problem is always a further curtailment of freedom and an advancement of one or more aspects of the New World Order agenda – whether that is geopolitical expansion, new laws or the implantation of new societal worldviews.” (Paul Joseph Watson, Order Out of Chaos, pg. 13.) Problem - Reaction - Solution To better understand the New World Order strategy behind the crises we experience, it is important you first understand “Problem-Reaction-Solution” or the “Hegelian Dialectic” from the German philosopher. It is stated by Heinrich Moritz Chalybäus as comprising three dialectical stages of development: A thesis, giving rise to its reaction, an antithesis which contradicts or negates the thesis, and the tension between the two being resolved by means of a synthesis.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 14:48:01 +0000

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