Problems found and corrected at Moms apartment so far: 1) Moms - TopicsExpress


Problems found and corrected at Moms apartment so far: 1) Moms phones were not on the do not call list... she was getting automated and other sales calls constantly. Both phone numbers have been added, calls have subsided already. 2) All of Moms light bulbs were cheap Hungarian defective bulbs bought at Dollar General across the street. Replaced with Daylight fluorescent bulbs from Home Depot. 3) Toilet running constantly, reported to management, they replaced the flapper valve, it is still doing it. 4) Moms vacuum would not pick up her hair and barely picked up any dirt at all. It has been replaced with a new quality vacuum and we are still cleaning up all her floors and chairs which were covered with hair. 5) Mom did not know the first thing about using Facebook to connect with her family. Were still working on that one. 6) There was/is an old rodent nest in the crawl space under her bathtub. The only thing keeping the cold air from her attic and the rodent nest and feces dust from her bedroom was a cheap, fiber air filter. They installed an air intake panel to hide their primitive plumbing access hole and put in an air filter. This panel was filthy as was the floor inside under the bathtub. There was leftover lumber and sheet rock strewn around inside the hole, as well as insulation from the attic that had been brought down and used by the rodents as nesting material. Rodent feces was everywhere in this access hole under her bathtub. This was reported and maintenance looked at it on January 9, 2014. Nothing was done so we turned in another request for removal on January 29, 2014. I personally handed the mgr the request explaining that Mom wanted the nest removed and her attic checked for other rodent nests. The mgr told me there was no rodent nest... I assured her there was a nest and requested that it be removed ASAP. Maintenance showed up on January 31, 2014 without a written work order or any notice to Mom that they were coming. He showed up with a shop vac that had no filter installed and began to remove the nest with his bare hands, placing a towel on the floor by the access hole. He carried some of the debris in his hands out the front door, no plastic bag used. He wrapped the dirty towel around the shop vac filter cone and proceeded to vacuum up dust and rodent feces against my objections, spewing microscopic dust all over Moms priceless photo albums and all about her room, which I had quickly covered with sheets and blankets (seeing the disaster unfolding). I took pictures of the shop vac with no filter and some of his work. I did not get a pic of the towel wrapped around the filter mount. He checked the attic with a short ladder and a drop light, neither his head or the light reached more than 1 foot into the attic. He pronounced the attic clear of rodents and nests, closed up the hole, and left. We cleaned up after him, wiping the door handles with bleach water solution. Im about to finish that job and bleach water sanitize the hole inside. Ive placed to mouse traps in the hole baited with peanut butter. 7) Mom and her neighbors are not allowed to use their Community Room except for mgmt sponsored events, 2 per week. The apartment rule handbook and the list of rules Mom signed both state that the community room is to be available to tenants freely during normal business hours which seem to be 9am-4pm, when the mgr is there. The mgr leaves for lunch every day and shows up late and leaves early at will. The community room stays locked when there is not a breakfast meeting or a Bible meeting, once per week each. 8) Washing machines in the community room (separated with a separate locking door) have anti-theft devices installed making it difficult to insert coins for people with arthritis and old age muscular problems. 9) The manager uses intimidation, yelling, demanding things from the residents, harassment about their credit reports, and many other abusive tactics to ensure the residents conform to her made up rules that cannot be found in the lease papers. Public humiliation of one of Moms neighbors with yelling was witnessed by Mom concerning another resident whos son was visiting. The mgr has yelled at Mom, demanded that Mom Get back here!!!, and other nasty tactics to instill fear in my Mother about my staying here to assist Mom and catch up after 5 years of being away. She has demanded of Mom that I leave, yet not in writing, and she has said nothing to me about the 14 day rule whatsoever. She just intimidates Mom, ambushing her every time Mom goes to check her mail, which is right next to the mgrs office. The mgr does to other tenants, as well, popping her head out the office door demanding they come in for a conference regularly. 10) There is a (used looking) condom on the ground at the corner of one of the buildings in plain sight near the mgrs office and community room. It has been there for weeks. 11) Residents are dropping like flies here. 12) During one of my first visits to the breakfast meeting in the community room, other residents asked the mgr why they were not allowed to use the community room occasionally. The managers response was We cant leave this door unlocked during the day! People will come in here and steal stuff!!!. When a resident questioned that response the mgr said Im actually supposed to charge you to use the community room. and explained that there were incidents of people stealing stuff, but provided no proof of said stealing, then changed the subject. 13) Theres more, Ive got to sanitize the rodent hole before Mom gets back from Church. Peace, Yall (~);?)~ with Lois Lord
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 16:17:04 +0000

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