Problems with file transfers made it so that I had to get on the - TopicsExpress


Problems with file transfers made it so that I had to get on the phone with the White House this morning. After much consideration, someone saw enough value in travel bloggers to invite a few of us (whom theyve been looking at and researching for some time), to the White House to discuss the goal to increase awareness among young people and encourage their participation in educational, cultural and professional exchanges. I wasnt going to post anything. I wasnt going to mention my invite. But, after what turned into a very pleasant conversation with this representative, and after her asking me to please spread some positive words about their intentions, I am left with this to say: shame on you. Shame on those who dont have the answers, but all the opinions to make what is really a wonderful gesture of faith and confidence towards our community of travel bloggers, into something negative and gossipy and bitter for whatever reason. Shame on you for deciding that since it doesnt work for you, it isnt worth it for anyone else or taking on the stance that this is just politics as usual delivered by a bunch of old, boring white guys, in some cramped up room somewhere. Shame on you. And STOP IT. They considered the major news outlets. They pondered on reaching out to traditional media, but they found the value of our reach to be the most appropriate and worthy platform for this message. You dont wanna go? Dont. You dont agree? Fine. But you also dont get to negatively present to others, based on information you dont even have (and I know you dont have it), twisting what is truly a wonderful opportunity for a lot of us. I, personally, am honored to have been selected and that anyone would consider my platform good enough to be viewed as having value in sharing the message of global education opportunities for young kids. Not your thing? Say no, and walk away gracefully. The impression you leave otherwise is noted and leaves a shocking (yes, shocking) mark on those who dont know enough about our industry to not label us all to be entitled, demanding, elitist, non-professional jerks.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 18:01:27 +0000

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