Proclamations come in many forms and are issued for varied - TopicsExpress


Proclamations come in many forms and are issued for varied reasons. The idea of a proclamation is that as many people as possible will hear the intended news. We live in a world that has made it very easy to proclaim anything that a person would care to make public. That can be for the good or it can be for evil. Digital tools like Facebook, Twitter, and You Tube allow the most insignificant happening to go viral. This has become the term that defines whether an item has really been proclaimed or not. It seems that the more weird something is, the more attention it garners. God has been in the proclaiming business since His creative powers were released upon a planet that was dark and formless. All that He created still proclaims loudly the evidence that He alone is the God of the universe. But, invariably, throughout time men have done their best in attempting to overthrow God and seize the throne. Nimrod tried to build a tower to heaven and failed. One king after another has proclaimed himself a god and demanded the worship of the people. In each case, God showed Himself to be God alone and each of these men passed into history’s book as a failure. When Moses came before Pharaoh to make the proclamation of Israel’s freedom, this command from God came squarely against Pharaoh’s own proclamation of godship. Needless to say, the battle was on, but the victor was never to be doubted. One plague after another poured forth from heaven against this Pharaoh-god and all of the other gods that Egypt worshipped. Finally, as the seventh plague was about to be unleashed, God proclaimed His intent and purpose openly. As Moses spoke to Pharaoh, he declared that this plague forward would be upon the heart of this self-made god. Furthermore, God proclaimed, “…indeed for this purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.”~Exodus 9:16 Take heart today! No matter how much evil appears to be in control, God’s purpose cannot be thwarted. God can put His power on display and proclaim His name even through the most wicked self-proclaimed gods. Now, go proclaim His name!
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 13:51:43 +0000

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