Prodaja portreta po narudzbi i vec postojecih i drugih crteza i - TopicsExpress


Prodaja portreta po narudzbi i vec postojecih i drugih crteza i slika koje izradjujem pomocu digitalnih fotografija,i naravno i drugih slika i sl... Svoje slike koje zelite da crtate mozete posalti u inbox... Опис PRODAJA PORTRETA I CRTEZA You can order a drawing,portrait,or any other kind of a pictur in all formats for yourselves... Already existing pictures you can buy ... All other pictures, portraits, drawings you want me to draw, you can send it to my inbox, so we will make a deal on the format and price. Portraits are ready in approximately 3-7 days, depending on the format and technic ... For family portraits is needed 7 or more days of drawing ... The method of payment I will explain trough the messages ... Postage is 3 euros + agreed price of a drawing you want to buy ... For more information, of course you can message me too... Vec postojece slike mozete da kupite... Sve ostale slike,portrete,crteze koje biste htjeli poruciti mozete poslati u inbox,tako se dogovaramo o formatu i cijeni. Portreti budu gotovi za otprilike 3 do 7 dana u zavisnosti od formata... Za obiteljske portrete je portebno 7 i vise dana crtanja... O nacinu placanja se dogovaramo preko inboxa... Postarina iznosi 3 eura + dogovorena cijena crteza... https://facebook/DijanaKIvis
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 17:59:39 +0000

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