Production proofs for Mission 263 Memorial Flight T-Shirt. 29 - TopicsExpress


Production proofs for Mission 263 Memorial Flight T-Shirt. 29 August 1944, the entire 20th Bomb Squadron was shot down over what is now Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The 2nd Bomb Group (what is now the 2nd Bomb Wing) consisted of the 20th, 49th, 96th and 429th Squadrons. In honor of the loss and sacrifice on that day 70 years ago, sorties will be flown by four B-52s from the 2nd Bomb Wing. One aircraft from the 20th, 96th, 49th and 343d will represent the formation of each respective B-17 Squadron. Im honored to be assisting in this project led by the 20th Bomb Squadron, who has certainly given extra attention to their heritage, and the heritage of the 2nd Bomb Wing. This is not an tshirt advertisement. But if you want one and are not involved in this event, I will arrange to have enough produced to cover the interest.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 17:50:38 +0000

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