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Products About Contact Our Ideals Thoughts of the Day Blog Etsy Shop shadow A New Start Date: September 12, 2013 Author: linda mueller Edit This time of year has always been a favorite of mine, children return to school and time becomes organzined again. We become aware of the changing of the season with the color of the leaves and we again begin to have hope for better things. Through these changes, it reminds me that once again God gives me grace. Just as the seasons change; God lets me know that I too am continually changing. As it often happens, I fall short of my goals and expectations of where I should be in life and sometimes, it would do me good to stop and remember that God does give me grace everyday by allowing me to start anew. Today is such a day. I believe he gives me this grace so that I might learn from my successes and failures, but, I have to say that more often then not I am so busy moving on to the next thing on my agenda I don’t take the time to look at these important milestones of my life. Life isn’t like I remember it growing up in the 50′s and 60′s. The pace is so very much faster! There is hardly time to sit down with the family for a meal nowadays let alone take stock of where a person’s life is or is going. Then something happens; like visiting a long lost friend; or remembering a special event. Last week I spent a delightful two days with a friend and her husband I hadn’t seen for about twenty years. When we got together, we talked about our now grown children, looked at old time pictures of when these children were small. We talked of recent trips, changes in home life, personal accomplishments, small and large hurdles faced and overcome. We also talked about things we didn’t think we would have to face- illnesses, life paths, roads our children took or how we would react to those events. Once our visit came to a close I invited this couple to our home for a visit and as I left I began to think about how our lives were still basically on the same track and how different our lives were as well. I thought, we could still be best friends our lives are so similar , and I thought – gee, they really have it altogether- much more then we do. Their life seems so full and satisfying, so complete and well kept. I thought of all we had gone through in the last twenty years, and how messy our life seemed and how incomplete my life still is. So, for me today to remember that God is still here in my life and letting me know that as the leaves change color, children return to school and time becomes more organized again, he is again giving me the grace he promises by giving me another season to improve on the things I know could be better and the forgiveness for the mistakes I made. He gives me a NEW START each and every day, but for me to stop and notice this grace is a failure- one I hope to improve upon with this seasonal change. This season, I will try to stop more often and take note of his grace in hopes that in doing so it will enable me to make more small adjustments to those changes so that more will become successes and less of them regrets. As of this moment, I know of things I want to improve upon, and many I don’t know how to go about improving, but that too, I pray he will give me guidance with. Today is 9/11/13, and I want to remind everyone reading that with all the loss we faced on this date, God still creates ANew and he continues to do so each and every day. Be with us Lord and give us strength and Thank you Lord. Twitt Posted in: Uncategorized. Last Modified: September 12, 2013 Post navigation ← Not just a beach bird any longer Leave a reply Logged in as linda mueller. Log out? Comment
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 01:33:43 +0000

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