Products that can not be eaten on an empty stomach . To reduce - TopicsExpress


Products that can not be eaten on an empty stomach . To reduce the risk of many diseases due to improper food intake , it is important to know what products go into harm if they have an empty stomach. 1. citrus These fruits can trigger allergies, as well as gastritis, if they have an empty stomach . It is therefore recommended before drinking a glass of orange juice , breakfast oatmeal . 2 . bananas They contain a lot of magnesium , the content of which regulates the activity of the cardiovascular system. Using them on an empty stomach , you risk to break the calcium- magievy balance. 3 . raw vegetables The acids that are contained in raw vegetables , can irritate the lining of the stomach. It is fraught with ulcers and gastritis. 4 . yogurt Surprisingly , this list came and yogurt. In the morning the body does not need the yogurt bacteria and manages itself . Therefore, the benefits of yogurt on an empty stomach - is zero. It is better to use 2 hours after breakfast or in the evening. 5 . cold drinks Cold drinks can not run properly the digestive process in the morning. It is better to replace them with a barely warm. 6. sweets On an empty stomach can not eat sweets . Since the pancreas are unable to produce up after the proper amount of insulin. Fraught with eating sweets in the morning rise in blood sugar. 7. coffee A negative impact on your health and coffee on an empty stomach . After coffee irritate the stomach , and it produces gastric juice. Through time may develop gastritis .
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 10:03:07 +0000

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