Prof. Akbar Ahmed, internationally renowned leading scholar of - TopicsExpress


Prof. Akbar Ahmed, internationally renowned leading scholar of contemporary Islam, visits Al-Mustafa Islamic Centre Ireland On the 31st May 2014 Prof Akbar Ahmed and his team of researchers (Dr. Amineh Hoti, Craig Considine, Frankie Martin) visited the Al-Mustafa Islamic Centre Ireland to interview the Imam and students of the Islamic School for the research project :“Journey into Europe; Islam, Immigration& Empire”. Professor Akbar Ahmed is probably the worlds best known scholar on contemporary Islam. He is the former High Commissioner of Pakistan to Great Britain, and has advised Prince Charles and met with PresidentGeorge W. Bush on Islam. He is now Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies and professor of International Relations at American University in Washington, DC. Professor Ahmed is the author of many books on contemporary Islam, including Discovering Islam: Making Sense of Muslim History and Society, which was the basis of the BBC six-part TV series called Living Islam. His Postmodernism and Islam: Predicament and Promise was nominated for the Amalfi Award, and his Jinnah Quartet, a four-part project on Pakistans founding father, M.A. Jinnah, has won numerous international awards. He is currently the chair of Islamic Studies in American University of Washington. The Imam & Ameer of the Islamic Centre (Shaykh Dr. Muhammad Umar Al-Qadri), Brother Muibideen, Brother Arif, Ustaza Shahida, Ustaza Aisha and students of Al-Mustafa Islamic School welcomed Prof. Akbar S. Ahmed and his team to the Islamic Centre. Shaykh Dr. Muhammad Umar Al-Qadri thanked the esteemed Professor for his visit and the offer of interviews for the purpose of the significant research. Shaykh said that it was an honor to host Prof. Akbar S. Ahmed in the Islamic Centre considering he is among the leading scholars today of contemporary Islam. Shaykh also prayed for the long and healthy life of the learned Professor so he will benefit the society more with his work to bridge cultures and civilisations. Students of Al-Mustafa Islamic School were interviewed and Prof. Akbar Ahmed and his team were very impressed by the answers of the young students. The students that were in their early teen ages were very confident about their Muslim identity and importance of Peace and Inter Faith dialogue. Students of Al-Mustafa Islamic School were given a very beautiful advice by Professor Akbar Ahmed. Professor Ahmed told them to remember a very significant Hadith that highlights the importance of Knowledge in Islam. The Hadith is that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace & Blessings be upon Him) said: “The Ink of the Scholar is more sacred than the blood of the Martyr”. After interviewing the students a lunch was organised by nearby Lebanese restaurant “Falafull”. After the lunch the team interviewed the Imam, Shaykh Dr. Muhammad Umar Al-Qadri, on Muslim identity, Islamophobia and other topics related to contemporary Islam. After the interview with the Shaykh, Prof. Akbar Ahmed mentioned that he was very glad to see that Irish Muslims have a young, educated and charismatic leader in the form of Shaykh Dr. Muhammad Umar Al-Qadri. Prof. Akbar Ahmed also mentioned that he was very happy that the Al-Mustafa Islamic Centre is a very diverse Islamic Centre and promotes peace, unity and integration in Ireland. Prof. Akbar Ahmed advised the Shaykh to continue to work for the broader message of Islam to bring communities together and not work for a particular organisation, ideology or group within Islam. We at the Islamic Centre pray for long and healthy life of Prof. Akbar Ahmed and his team and pray that Almighty Allah reward them abundantly for their contribution to the world for a peaceful society and a better understanding of the religion of Islam, Ameen.
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 20:39:41 +0000

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