Prof Carol Barrett visited School of International Studies and - TopicsExpress


Prof Carol Barrett visited School of International Studies and interacted with students. 26 Feb 2014 Dr. Carole Barrett Receives Prestigious Fulbright Award August 21, 2012 BISMARCK-Dr. Carole Barrett, a professor in the School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Mary, has been awarded a Nehru-Fulbright Scholar grant to teach at Ravenshaw University in Cuttack, Odisha, India, during the 2012-2013 academic year, according to the United States Department of State and the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board. For six months, beginning this October, Barrett will teach Sociological Foundations of Education, Human Rights, and American Literature as a Nehru Visiting Lecturer. Drawing on her 29 years of experience teaching cultural studies and providing student support services at U-Mary, she also will conduct a workshop on writing grants and work with students in remedial English. Barrett is one of approximately 1,100 U.S. faculty and professionals who will travel abroad through the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program in 2012-2013. The Fulbright Program is the flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government and is designed to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. According to Barrett, she specified India when applying for the grant because of that countrys indigenous population and a study tour she took there with U-Mary students in 2010. I wanted to experience the country on a longer-term basis and get to understand its people and culture better, she explains. The primary source of funding for the Fulbright Program is an annual appropriation made by the U.S. Congress to the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Participating governments and host institutions, corporations and foundations in foreign countries and in the United States also provide direct and indirect support. Recipients of Fulbright grants are selected on the basis of academic or professional achievement, as well as demonstrated leadership potential in their fields. The program operates in over 155 countries worldwide. Since its establishment in 1946 under legislation introduced by the late U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas, the Fulbright Program has given approximately 300,000 students, scholars, teachers, artists, and scientists the opportunity to study, teach and conduct research, exchange ideas and contribute to finding solutions to shared international concerns. Fulbright alumni have achieved distinction in government, science, the arts, business, philanthropy, education, and athletics. Forty-three Fulbright alumni from 11 countries have been awarded the Nobel Prize, and 75 alumni have received Pulitzer Prizes. Prominent Fulbright alumni include: Muhammad Yunus, managing director and founder, Grameen Bank, and 2006 Nobel Peace Prize recipient; John Atta Mills, president of Ghana; Lee Evans, Olympic gold medalist; Ruth Simmons, president, Brown University; Riccardo Giacconi, physicist and 2002 Nobel Laureate; Amar Gopal Bose, chairman and founder, Bose Corporation; Renée Fleming, soprano; Jonathan Franzen, writer; and Daniel Libeskind, architect. Fulbright recipients are among over 40,000 individuals participating in U.S. Department of State exchange programs each year. For more than sixty years, the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs has funded and supported programs that seek to promote mutual understanding and respect between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program is administered by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars, a division of the Institute of International Education. Further information about the Fulbright Program or the U.S. Department of States Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs is available at
Posted on: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 07:52:06 +0000

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