Prof Dr Tahirul Qadri flew from Canada and Chuadhry Shujaat and - TopicsExpress


Prof Dr Tahirul Qadri flew from Canada and Chuadhry Shujaat and Imran Khan from Pakistan, to meet halfway in London. Apparently, on the last moment, PTI stalwarts suggested to the chief not to be part of Prof Qadri and Chaudhry Shujaat’s agenda of forging an anti-government alliance. Meanwhile public speculations about Imran Khan and Jehangir Tarin meeting with Prof Qadri and Chaudhry Shujaat gained credence since the timing of their visit to London was the same. The PTI and the PML-Q are political parties; Prof Qadri’s PAT is a blend of religion and politics. He mixes the two profitably. Imran Khan has sullied his credibility by his overtures to join hands with Professor Qadri and Ch Shujaat. His party is in government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa when the professor and Chaudhry brothers are out in the wilderness. They need Imran more than he needs them. Were selectors to choose from among the three, the Chaudhry Brothers with their proven credentials would be the first choice and Imran Khan not even in the run, for being too haughty to handle. And the professor? Well, back to cooler climes of Canada until the next time. However, why is the professor campaigning so overzealously to bring the Nawaz Sharif government down? The Mian Brothers in their days catapulted the professor from virtual anonymity to the status of almost sainthood. A picture in which the professor mounts on Nawaz Sharif’s shoulders to perform umrah has been doing the rounds. Of course, Mian Sahib was more youthful at the time when he could carry the professor without huffing and puffing. That’s not to say the PM isn’t youthful anymore or has lost the glow on his cheeks. One must, however, praise the Mians for having the grace not to hit back at their avowed critics when they could. London is not only a major hub of activities but also inextricably linked to Pakistan. Ranging from men in self-exile to the so-called freedom fighters, you find all varieties living there and adhering to local rules and regulations – something they abhorred doing back home. The rich and the famous, whatever made them so, have invested heavily in the real estate sector of the city. The lifestyle that the rich sheikhs and princes of the oil world and politicians and bureaucrats of the third world pursue often embarrasses the local lords. Other than Pakistan, is there any country whose leaders live or meet in London to connive to overthrow the elected governments of their countries? On the contrary, would Britain allow any of its citizens living outside the island state to hatch plots to unsaddle its elected government? Would Canada allow it, for that matter? Could India’s leaders ever think of meeting in London to discuss and plan moves to destabilise a government back home? The elections in India are held within rules and regulations stipulated by the constitution. When hundreds of millions in India vote, there’re frequent disputes and claims of rigging, but the matters are settled by the Indian courts. The heads of the political parties that lose elections can never think of hopping to London to hobnob what to do. Why is this so typically characteristic of our politicians?
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 20:14:32 +0000

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