Prof Nonggorr: Do not change Laws By RAMCY WAMA The - TopicsExpress


Prof Nonggorr: Do not change Laws By RAMCY WAMA The constitutional lawyer Professor John Nonggorr described proposals to amend the no-confidence vote, the loopholes Prime Minster O’Neill and his team see existing in the law, as those that will cause them to lose power. Prof Nonggorr said every intelligent and reasonable person should, by now, know that when a government wants to change parts of the Constitution or other laws to make it difficult to remove that government from power, it is never done for the good of the people or the country. “It is good only for the few individuals who are in power at the time - so that they can stay in power longer. “This has been the case before and it is the case now. Peter O’Neill’s government has changed what has been called the “grace period” from 18 months to 3 years and now it wants to change the no-confidence vote provisions to make it difficult, almost impossible to remove him from power. “You have to be stupid indeed if you are a Papua New Guinean who believes what is being said to justify these changes that there are “loopholes” in the law or that the laws need improvement or these will increase stability. “Certainly, to O’Neill and his cohorts, the loopholes they see existing in the law are those that will cause them to lose power. They must tighten the law to hold onto power. Stability simply means there must not be any move to take away power from them,” he said. Prof Nonggorr said for all practical purposes, no one should really be concerned these days about the sorts of changes being made to the Constitution. “Whether it is O’Neill who stays in power longer or Namah and his mob who want to take power in 18 or 36 months time, they are no different. These are the same characters who ignored the Constitution, destroyed the integrity of the judiciary, the police and other public institutions when they got rid of Somare in the last Parliament. “I say practically these do not matter because look at what the new scene is. Somare is part of the O’Neill government, O’Neill is still PM and life goes on. May be, Namah should join them. There need not be an Opposition because any change of government will not mean much, they are the same, Professor Nonggorr said. He said: “The rule of law, governance and public institutions have taken a hit by the actions of a few individuals (MPs) and they will continue to deteriorate. The changes already made to the Constitution and those proposed do not advance anything for the country. “Only stupid people think that PNG’s public institutions are getting any better. All important institutions have suffered and the trend is still heading downwards. “For example, for the crisis in 2011 that began after Somare was removed in August, no one has been brought to account on the biggest law breaking events of 2011 and 2012. This happened in Parliament and on the streets of Port Moresby. “The law breakers were so-called leaders. The Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, the Attorney-Genera l, the Police Commissioner, the Chief Justice and lawyers faced contempt and other criminal charges. As if, by some act of magic, these criminal complaints have all disappeared from public discussion now. “To anyone who has any intelligence, there is no respect left in the institutions like the Parliament when the same people are involved. There is no credibility left in the Opposition Leader when he is crying foul. He was so powerful and above the law that he could command police to walk into a court room and attempt to arrest a Chief Justice sitting in Court. The question is - does he expect to be taken seriously now by decent people? Institutions like the Parliamentary Opposition (and Office of Prime Minister as well for that matter) suffer when individuals who do not really care about the integrity of these public institutions continue to occupy these offices,” Prof Nonggorr explained. Government, we the people a not blind, our conscience a so clear, cos we a not pressurized in acquiring millions over night.. STOP DIVERTING THIS NATIONS ATTENTION ON OVERDUE, OVERDUE ISSUES...What will happen to them if their are found guilty????....Many are already walking the streets of PNG ......FREE MAN....READ PROF"S ARTICLE...
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 01:21:54 +0000

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