Professional Education Courses Anthropological/ Sociological - TopicsExpress


Professional Education Courses Anthropological/ Sociological Foundations Simulated Practice Test Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. The adoption of scientific techniques to control and manipulate environment such as modern methods for farming and fishing is called. a. Social change b. Technological change c. Cultural change d. Discovery change 2. Heavily sanctioned folkway which no one dares to question because they embody moral laws are called. a. Beliefs b. Customs c. Mores d. Tradition 3. What is the inevitable force in history which takes place from time to time? a. Change b. Development c. Progress d. Evolution 4. When an individual or a group adapts the culture of others, practice them and becomes habitual , this is: a. Culture lag b. Culture change c. Culture shock d. Culture difference 5. The proper sequencing of grade levels according to chronological ages of learners is called. a. Status b. Organization c. Agency d. Institution 6. Divorce is legal in the United States but is not acceptable in the Philippines. What does it show? a. Culture is illegal b. Culture is uniform c. Culture is relative d. Culture is phenomenon 7. A school which operates not only to cater her students but for all the people where it is located can be called a? a. Public school b. Private school c. Societal school d. Community school 8. Which of the following culture is difficult to change? a. Mode of dressing b. Political affiliations c. Group values and attitude d. Social clubs and organization 9. The Filipino like “ pasta and pizza pie”, foods that come from the west. What characteristic of culture is shown? a. Culture gratifying b. Culture is symbolic c. Culture is universal d. Culture is barrowed 10. Which is not a role of the school? a. Agent of cultural transmission b. Agent of cultural modernization c. Agent of assigning status d. Agent of cultural change 11. How can a teacher act as an agent of cultural transmission and socialization? a. Transmit culture through good lesson planning b. Transmit culture through lecture c. Transmit culture through singing Filipino songs d. Transmit culture through story telling involving Filipino values 12. Which shows effective acculturation? a. Paolo learning about Taiwan by watching TV b. Mia learning about Taiwan through reading c. Kenken learning about Taiwan through internet d. Justin learning about Taiwan by living there 13. Man has no wings like birds, but discovered the airplane to experience how it is way up there; made the submarine to make him stay in water for a long time like fish. What does it say about culture? a. Symbolic b. Adaptive c. Organized d. Borrowed 14. The school can do the functions of the home, peer, church and community. What can you say about the school as in institution? a. School has a multi faceted roles b. School can improve moral values c. School services students at various ages d. School functions not only for instruction purposes 15. What two reasons make it very difficult for a teacher to effect change to his ward? a. Children carry with them different values learned at home. b. Parents are reluctant toward changes made by the school. c. Children are afraid of their parents to adapt changes. d. Poor motivation to make children change. 16. Ideally the school should conduct surveys of the community more often to: a. Produce quality graduates for the community b. Produce needed manpower to match the demands of the community c. Establish harmonious rapport between the school and the community d. Help the community move forward successfully 17. Which of the following situations illustrate social change? a. A farmer using modern tools to produce better drops b. An agricultural barangay build a big dike for irrigation system c. Students using cellphone instead of the land line communication d. Kissing and hugging the olds folks instead of kissing their hands 18. How can the Teacher Training Institutions (TTIs) be assured of quality teacher graduates? a. Accept secondary graduates from privates schools only b. Provides scholarship to TEI/s student c. Adapt effective selection, admission, and retention policies d. Accept student with genuine attitude towards teaching 19. The main difference between our social stratification from the caste system of India is: a. Assigned classifications cannot be changed anymore b. People can move from one step to another c. A person in the lowest class will stay here forever d. There is no way of going up and down the ladder 20. Which of the following examples of culture is non- material? a. House and lot b. Furniture and tools c. Dreams and aspirations d. Pieces of jewelry 21. Teacher Fe, an AralingPanlipunan teacher holds the sociological view of education as” social reconstructionalism:. Which of the following situations supports this theory? a. Indoctrinate students with cultural traditions b. Memorize the best cultural practices c. Conduct group activities involving costumes d. Prepare activities for social life and adjustment 22. All except one supports the statement” education for social values” Which is the one? a. Responding to social needs b. Teaches how to go along with others c. Improves economic condition d. Deals with community living 23. Just like the school, home also helps facilitate change. Which of these statements believes in education as an agent of change? a. Teacher teaches all the customs and traditions done at home b. Teacher tells her student to stop practicing some customs c. Teachers seeks parents’ help to effect changes d. Teacher tells students to change the not-so good traditions 24. In modern classrooms, the teachers use video viewing computer, overhead/opaque projctors. What development is illustrated? a. Social change b. Material change c. Technological change d. Cultural change 25. Almost everyday, changes take place in all sectors of society. What characteristic of culture is being manifested? a. Relative b. Adaptive c. Dynamic d. Universal 26. Which is the most accepted definition of sociology? a. Future-oriented b. Past-oriented c. Classical-oriented d. Traditional oriented 27. Which curriculum views education as an agent of modernization? a. Future-oriented b. Past-oriented c. Classical-oriented d. Traditional-oriented 28. Which does not refer to anthropology. a. Science of man’s nature b. Study of man’s characteristics c. Science of man and his group d. Study of man and his achievements 29. Which does not refer to culture a. The shared product of human learning b. A social heritage, transmitted to another c. The sum total of the skills, beliefs and knowledge\the capacity to do work 30. The agency which gives early lesson on values is the: a. Home b. School c. Group d. Society 31. The proper sequencing of grade levels according the chronological ages of students is a. Status b. Pedagogy c. Agency d. Organization 32. What is sure to happen when society adapts modernization abruptly? a. There is progress and joy b. There is peace and order c. There is chaos and confusion d. There is better understanding 33. When does culture lag take place? a. When society cannot cope with the changes b. When there is abrupt change c. When the change is not acceptable to the people of the society d. When society refuses to change 34. The process of handing down of culture from one who knows to somebody who does not know is called: a. Indoctrination b. Acculturation c. Enculturation d. Culturation 35. A social institution which is linked to a little community is the: a. Family b. School c. Society d. Church 36. Which function of the family can not be du0licated by other institutions? a. Perpetuation of species b. Teaching values c. Formation of character d. Learning to read and write 37. Knowledge about latest developments in technology and science can be acquired in the school through well-planned activities, which is learned through. a. Acculturation b. Enculturation c. Socialization d. Indoctrination 38. The secondary schools provide varied activities which call for students interaction and cooperation. Most of these concern clubs and organizations. What process is being undertaken? a. Enculturation b. Acculturation c. Socialization d. Modernization 39. In the school teachers and students discuss lessons concerning community life. What is shown by this practice about school? a. School as problem solver b. School as miniature community c. School as a special institution d. School as a part and parcel of the community 40. Two of the most accepted problems why the schools cannot implement programs for social reconstruction are: a. Poor teacher graduates b. Difficulty in hiring competent teachers c. Inadequate school facilities d. Many students come from poor families 41. Many Pacquiao become a legend in the boxing world because of his ability, determination, and hard work. What role does this illustrate? a. Achieved role b. Ascribed role c. Hereditary role d. Temporary role 42. Pinning veil around the bride and the groom/exchange of rings, and releasing of doves, during the wedding ceremony show that culture is a. Symbolic b. Continuous c. Historical d. Borrowed 43. AlingFely taught her daughter how to prepare delicious desserts from pineapple and coconut. What cultural transmission process is this? a. Observation b. Acculturation c. Enculturation d. Indoctrination 44. Teacher Ziggy was teaching something on values, folkways, customs, and mores, beliefs in his Social Studies class. What was his lesson about? a. Material culture b. Non-material culture c. Tangible culture d. Hereditary culture 45. It was the first day of school. Teacher Jane prepared activities which will make her grade V children sing, play, talk, learn and introduce themselves to the class. What process did the teacher emphasize? a. Enculturation b. Socialization c. Indoctrination d. Acculturation 46. Leane, an accountant who now lives with married man was disowned by her family and friends. This punishment is a form of a. Isolation b. Deportation c. Ostracism d. Character assassination 47. When a certain culture is acceptable to one group and questionable to others, it shows that; a. Culture is borrowed b. Culture is a shared product c. Culture is varied d. Culture is relative 48. The teaching and learning of religion and values mostly make use of a. Enculturation b. Indoctrination c. Culturation d. Acculturation 49. An organized and systematized manner of teaching where experiences are controlled by the teacher is termed as: a. Instructing b. Education c. Schooling d. Motivation 50. A social agency that makes a child learn to value himself and eventually others is a. Home b. School c. Group d. Society 51. You have some foreign visitors who will stay for a time in your community. What two actions will you take to manage conflicting situations and at the same time bring about values that enhances your sense of nationhood? a. Try hard to speak the way they do for better understanding b. Bring them to places your community is well-known for. c. Serve them the same food that they eat in their country d. Show them desirable Filipino traits 52. Man is educable because of the following except one. Which should be excluded? a. Superior brain structure b. Five sense organs c. Free hands d. Flawless skin 53. The introduction of more modern techniques to make work lighter and faster is called a. Social change b. Cultural change c. Technological change d. Environmental change 54. Another name for customs and practices is: a. Values b. Folkways c. Attitudes d. Habits 55. An inevitable force in history which takes place from time to time is a. Current event b. Change c. Progress d. Evolution 56. Which fringe benefits could be added to the teacher’s incentive package which is not only beneficial to them but for also for students? a. Free daily meals and snacks b. Additional cash gift for non-absence c. Free trip abroad for best performance d. Transportation allowance 57. Which is not true about man? a. Man is a social being b. Man is always satisfied c. Man is educable d. Man is an animal 58. Morning prayer and opening greetings in the classroom are routine activities which can be aligned with: a. Values b. Folkway c. Attitude d. Mores 59. Ms. Garcia makes her children watch educational TV program at least once a week because she believes that culture can be: a. Learned b. Transferable c. Acquired d. Gratifying 60. The theory of” multiple intelligences” emphasized that: a. Man should possess all intelligences b. Man is luckily if he posses multiple intelligence c. Man can posses and excel in varied intelligences d. Man is educable because he has varied intelligences 61. One of the best thing that ever happened in our country is the granting of farm land to the tenants through land reform. What change is this? a. Technological b. Agricultural c. Social d. Technical 62. In Old China, the cultural practices were forcibly handed down from past generations to the nest to maintain peace and order . This is: a. Recapitulation b. Enculturation c. Acculturation d. Indoctrination 63. What was the best way primitive people did so they would meet their need for security? a. Trained men in martial arts b. Required women to join the army c. Formed groups or tribes d. Organized very strong army 64. Which is not man’s adjustment values? a. Cooperativeness b. Respect for human person c. Knowledge and understanding d. Clear and logical thinking 65. Which is not man’s intellectual value? a. Opportunities for self expression b. Financial security c. Knowledge and understanding d. Clear and logical thinking 66. Which two pairs are considered secondary group? a. Father and son b. Sales lady and a buyers c. Taxi driver and a passengers d. Husband and wife 67. Which serves as multipurpose institution? a. Church b. School c. Peer group d. Community
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 11:02:01 +0000

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