Professor Calls Out Liberal Media By Onan Coca Paul Kengor is - TopicsExpress


Professor Calls Out Liberal Media By Onan Coca Paul Kengor is the director of the Center for Vision and Values at Grove City College. He is also a professor there and has written a dozen books and many articles for important publications like Townhall and the American Spectator. He is an important voice on the right, commenting on modern political thought and the liberal media’s faulty coverage of our world. Recently Kengor sat down with the Daily Caller for an interview where he discussed the media malpractice that has taken place during the Obama administration. Kengor decries a media that has seemingly laid down for the Obama administration, offering little or no skeptic observation of the President or his minions. As examples he cites the Benghazi scandal, which he says would have ruined a Republican Presidency. He also reminds us of the withering attacks President Reagan faced from the liberal media on the homelessness issue. Reagan was constantly under fire for what the media saw as an epidemic of homelessness; in fact, even today some of Reagan’s critics continue to beat the drum of homelessness as a byproduct of the Reagan years. However, homelessness under President Obama is more than double what it was under President Reagan, and it would seem that the issue has vanished from the public conscience. Where has the media concern for the homeless gone? Or do the homeless only matter when a Republican is in office? DontbelieveKengor also revives President Obama’s early connections as another example of the dupliciticeness of the media. In Hawaii, the President was mentored by Frank Marshall Davis, a communist. For a Republican, a connection with an extremist like Davis would “ring the dinner bell” for most journalists. They would gravitate to the story like sharks who’d smelled blood in the water, but for President Obama they’ve gone so far as to obfuscate the connections between Davis and the Communist Party. Instead, they paint Davis as a simple civil rights crusader and President Obama as his student. If the same situation arose for a Republican the ramifications, Kengor argues, would have been much different. “If Mitt Romney had had a mentor as a young man who was a closet Nazi or … who was a John Bircher, it’d be on the front page of The New York Times, front page of The Washington Post. Everybody in America would know about it,” Kengor added. But “in the case of Obama, they make fun of the accusers, of the whistle-blowers.” Kengor’s commentary on the media today is not isolated. Many on the right have been saying similar things for years. There has been some media introspection recently and one can only hope that this will lead to a more balanced approach to political coverage… but most conservatives are not optimistic. The media’s natural liberal bent makes conservative media outlets and coverage all the more important, because we need to be more competitive when it comes to getting our message out. Not only do we need to be vocal, but we need to be winsome. The argument is important, but so is the way the argument is framed. We always tell people not to judge a book by its cover, but most people still do. Conservatism is better. We have better arguments, reasons, facts and figures. We need to improve our book cover, and engaging new media in a creative and constructive way can do that. Let’s stop complaining about the leftist media and support our great conservative venues… hey! Like Eagle Rising! eaglerising/1826/professor-calls-liberal-media/
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 00:54:14 +0000

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