Professor Jenu Nupe Short Story #14 From The Landzun Master - TopicsExpress


Professor Jenu Nupe Short Story #14 From The Landzun Master Story-Teller Series Tales of Witchcraft and the International Nupe By Ndagi Abdullahi Yalu Tsado was my schoolmate at Cambridge in the late 1980s. Of Jewish ancestry, I was born in Tameside but brought up in Salford, in Greater Manchester. I never knew of the Nupe people until I met Tsado Yalu at Cambridge. He was always talking of the past and future of the Nupe Nation from spiritual perspectives. We called him Professor Janus after the ancient Greek god with a face towards the past and another towards the future. I called him Professor Jenu after the Nupe word for the Jinns. Yalu Tsado said while loitering around the ruins of Birnin Jantabo, near Lapai where he attended his secondary school, he came face to face with a relative of his who died many years earlier. Ever since then he have never doubted the power of Nupe witchcraft. All that was nonsense to me. I lost contact with Yalu Tsado after we both graduated from Cambridge. He went back to Nigeria. I became a mining engineer. Decades later I established my own mining company which grew into a multinational that transformed me into a multi-millionaire. My mining company got involved with the Mossad. The Israeli intelligence agency began to use my company for covert operations in different parts of the world. On the 15th of June 2011 I was in the Oriental Republic of Uruguay where my company was ostensibly involved in the mining of dolomite at Mina Vallencia in the Lavalleja Department. The Mossad was actually using my mining works to carry out covert operations on the Jewish people of the Uruguay. At Mina Vellencia I received a Mossad emergency. Twenty-four hours later I was in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany in a secretive meeting, at a roadside café in downtown Bonn, with Meir Dagan, the notorious Director of the Mossad. Dagan said Mossad intelligence indicated that something serious, but unknown, is going on in Central Nigeria, KinNupe within the Zhima mountain range near Bida. My assignment was to go to KinNupe, Nigeria, to find out what the matter is. I am going undercover as usual. I am to arrive KinNupe with the ostensible claim that my mining company is interested in the Bida Basin petroleum deposits of KinNupe. With that cover story I am to take a trip to the Zhima mountains and, there, secretly plant microchip devices that will transmit data to Mossad scientists back at Tel Aviv. Five days later I was in Abuja, Nigeria. Two days later I had a meeting with the Chief Servant of Niger State, Dr. Mu’azu Babangida Aliyu. I told the Niger State authorities that my mining company is ready to invest billions of dollars in the exploration and refining of the Bida Basin petroleum deposits. The Chief Servant introduced me to his Special Assistant on Petroleum deposits, Engr. Y.Y. Sani. Incidentally Y.Y. Sani is a prominent member of the Movement for the Creation of Edu State headed by Professor Jerry Gana and Professor Yalu Tsado, my Cambridge schoolmate. I was reunited with Yalu Tsado, now Professor Tsado. I met all the Nupe elders at Bida after a courtesy visit to the Etsu Nupe, Alhaji Yahaya Abubakar. At a grand meeting at Professor Jerry Gana’s house, GRA, Bida, I told the Nupe elders that KinNupe is sitting on top of the largest petroleum deposit in Africa. I told them that if the Nupes know their true worth they should be ruling Nigeria by now. Unfortunately the Nupes are still at the stage of struggling for the creation of a Nupe state. The Nupe elders said even though I am a White man from the UK, I must join their Movement for the Creation of Edu State. Bida was crowded with the Edu State Movement peoples, they were preparing for the Second Nupe Day which was to take place on the 26th of June 2011. I was with Professor Tsado at Bida. He said he was, coincidentally enough, working on the effect of witchcraft on the population of the people of the Zhima-Sachi-Gbara axis. He said he was born and bred in Zhima and that over the decades he had lost many of his relatives and towns people to Nupe witchcraft. On the 20th my team of mining scientists arrived from Abuja in an helicopter. At the Bida airstrip Professor Tsado insisted he will accompany us to the Zhima mountains. We arrived the Zhima mountains a few minutes later. But while circling over the mountains our helicopter’s engine malfunctioned and the helicopter started swirling about in the air. As the helicopter headed to crash into the mountains me and Professor Tsado were flung out of the opened side-doors of the helicopter. We both landed, heavily bruised and dirtied, on the mountain tops. Then the helicopter crash landed hundreds of yards away from us and burst into flames killing all the crew members and my team of mining scientists onboard. I was in so much pain I thought I will die… Then I saw the unbelievable!... Or, was I being delirious out of too much pain? All around me the Zhima mountains were rapidly transforming into gigantic pyramids!... Yes, the sort of flat-top, multi- terraced pyramids that you see at the back of the US dollar bill! But I wasn’t delirious. Professor Tsado, lying bruised a few feet away from me, saw the same incredible transformation of the Zhima mountains into pyramids. He called out to me to see that the mountains, or pyramids, were also covered with gigantic gold slabs from the top to the bottom. Strange and very ancient inscriptions were all over the pyramids. We were lying on top of one of the golden pyramids and as I look around I saw another incredible sight below us. A multitudinous and endless sea of human beings stretched from the foot of the golden pyramid mountains to all the horizons. I looked in the direction of Zhima and Bida and I saw a continuous and gigantic city that spread over all the horizons. The buildings were strange and alien to 20th or 21st century buildings. The skies were covered with innumerable strange creatures or aircrafts that look like flying dinosaurs and machines at the same time. They appear to be living machines!... and they speed across the sky like the flash of lightning. And I looked, and, behold, a living machine animal came in the form of a whirlwind out of the north. It was covered in great cloud of fire and blinding brightness. The giant animal machine came and alighted on top of the pyramid in front of me and Professor Tsado. Four men came out of the living machine. They wore space suits that made each of them appear to have three extra faces – of a lion, ox and eagle. The space suits also have wings that made the four men looked like angels. The angelic men surrounded us as a dignified man came out of the belly of the beast. He introduced himself as Sarafara or a Seraphim Lucifer. Sarafara conducted us round the Mountainous Golden City of the Gods he called Sabanu or Zaphon. The gargantuan city was filled with such multitude of strangely clad people, alien architecture and supremely sophisticated living vehicles and mechanized animals. It was all like Alice in Wonderland without the horrors of Frankenstein monsters. I have never seen a city as big and people in such large numbers as this before in my life. It began to dawn on me that me and Professor Tsado have been teleported into the future. Interestingly, all the endless sea of people in Zaphon were extremely healthy and paradisiacally happy. But we received the greatest shock of our lives when Professor Tsado came across a crowd of people whom he immediately recognized as his long-dead relations from Zhima who were killed through Nupe witchcraft. His relatives were also glad to see him. Sabanu or Zaphon was a mega city that spread over the whole of KinNupe as a single city. But Sarafara also took us into an underground nation comprised of many subterranean mega cities like Zaphon that spread underneath the whole of what we call Nigeria. Sarafara called the subterranean nation of advanced civilization Nupega. Nupega, Sarafara told us, is an advanced Nupe civilization that presently rules the world from the spiritual realm. He said they are here in the world with us but they are invisible to us. That they are the Watchers because they, the ascended beings of the Nupega spiritual civilization, are watching us. And they use Nupe witchcraft to absorb from our population, whenever they, the Nupe Watchers, like. So, all those people that die through Nupe witchcraft don’t really die, they are simply ‘ascended’ unto the higher spiritual dimensions of the Nupega overworld. The relatives of Professor Tsado, who were now with us everywhere we go, acknowledged that. Incredibly, all of Professor Tsado’s relatives, and all the people of Zaphon and Nupega in general, were each thirty years old. Sarafara told us that these spiritually- fortified, forever young people live for thousands of years here before they die. He said this is the realm of the superman. Everybody here is an Ubberman. After all these revelations, Sarafara asked me and Professor Tsado to go back to our world. But Professor Tsado said he prefer staying together with his relatives in, Nupega, the happy and paradisiacal world of human perfection. They took me to an exit tunnel through which I eventually emerged from a well in the centre of some ruins that I later learnt were the ruins of Birnin Jantabo near Lapai. Some Fulani herdsmen saw me and took me to the nearby city of Lapai. There I met people dispersing from the Lecture event of the Second Nupe Day at the IBB University auditorium. I met one of the dignitaries, Ndako Gana, who is a prominent member of the Movement for the Creation of Edu State. But Ndako Gana immediately rushed me into his tinted jeep and told me that I am not supposed to be seen by the crowd of people. When I asked him why, he presented me with the page of a newspaper with a bold close-up picture of me under which I saw the following incredible heading: ‘Professor Yalu Tsado and his White, British friend killed in a helicopter accident at the Zhima mountains. The corpses of the two are being prepared for burials in Bida and London respectively.’ Ndako Gana then told me, “Three days ago your team of mining engineers and pilots brought back the corpses of you and Professor Tsado. They said you both fall out of the helicopter while they were maneuvering to land on the Zhima mountains. “The entire Nupe Nation is still mourning the death of Professor Tsado and the UK high commissioner is already on his way to London with your body for burials tomorrow.” I was dumbfounded. “You have become a Fara ghost”, Ndako Gana eventually concluded, “the first White man Fara ghost to die and come back.”
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 20:36:40 +0000

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