Professor Reich weighs in on the essence of crony captialism and - TopicsExpress


Professor Reich weighs in on the essence of crony captialism and why the Occupy Movement had a valid point. The growth of income & wealth inequality has little to do with the trad American Dream (work hard, follow the rules an get ahead). Instead, it has more to do with: get ahead and wealthy, buy power and access via PAC contributions, capture the regulators and politicans who write the rules (and control the coercive machinery of government), use those rules to alter the playing field, stack the deck in your favor, screw anyone lower on the ladder than you and to stifle the voices of dissent or reason. Solution: elect politicans who will listen to and act on the voice of the citizens and not some CEO or PAC. Get rid of Citizens United. Prohibit corps. from legal protection under the 14th A or personhood status. Hold those you elect as accountable to individuals, not entities.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 15:08:43 +0000

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