Professor Walter Willett, professor of epidemiology and chairman - TopicsExpress


Professor Walter Willett, professor of epidemiology and chairman of the Department of Nutrition at The Harvard School of Public Health was recently quoted as saying that contrary to current popular wisdom, full-fat dairy products may actually be better than low-fat varieties for keeping off weight. The idea that all fats are bad emerged in the 1950s and 1960s when saturated fat was linked to high cholesterol and increased heart disease risk,” added Willett. “When saturated fat is reduced in products or in peoples diets, it is often replaced with sugar or carbohydrates, negating any potential weight loss benefit.” Prof. Willett further suggested that full-fat dairy may help to control weight, because it promotes more of a feeling of satiety than low-fat. Alternatively, the fatty acids in full-fat dairy may help with weight regulation. Hmmmm. I seem to recall telling you that a number of times in the past. And it’s certainly a fundamental principle of a number of low carbohydrate diets, including my very own RAPID FIRE FAT LOSS PROGRAM. So this statement is by no means a new concept, but it does add more evidence to the advice given by me and many that the legion of high carbohydrate, low fat diets that have been popular for the past 50 years, or so, are NOT the answer to weight loss. So, does that clear the way for you to gorge on a quart of Haagen Dazs, every night? Fat chance! But it again demonstrates that FAT itself is not the enemy. That would be simple carbohydrates and sugars. And the success of many diet plans that rely on non-starchy vegetables, which are, by definition, complex carbohydrates and therefore, low glycemic (which stimulate lower levels of insulin), proves the point. When you add to this a dollop of protein, to stimulate glucagon secretion (the adversary hormone to insulin), and make it part of a comprehensive program that incorporates exercise and environmental methods of ramping up metabolism, adequate hydration, rest and mind set, you have the ultimate answer to maximal fat burning--my program. Hey, its what Ive used, and still do, to burn off winters extra adipose layer...and KEEP IT OFF. So I KNOW it works. And it will work for you, too... if you let it. Just click the link. GET IT HERE. Til next time, my friend, be well. Yours for rapid fire fat loss and your optimal health, Dr. Bill P.S. And do it now. The sooner you start, the faster youll look and feel great! And itll never be easier to start than it is right now. Click the link. GET IT HERE. P.P.S. Please LIKE Dr. Bills Clinic on Facebook and SHARE this post with anyone you think it will help. Thank you very much for your support!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 21:08:04 +0000

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