Progression Report Four years ago I had slight foot drop in my - TopicsExpress


Progression Report Four years ago I had slight foot drop in my left foot. I would have periodic falls for no reason. Slight twitching and cramping in my left calf. Today I have foot drop in both feet. The left one is worse. AFO foot braces help me stand and take a few steps on my own with a walker. My left arm and hand is pretty much gone. I can move it a little. Can kind of grip my walker handle. My right arm is progressing as well. I can move my arm from elbow down. Although my right hand is weaker I can still use it. I just cant lift it over my head. I am thankful I can still use the restroom on my own! I can feed myself. Im a little messy so in public I sometimes need a little help. I can still open doors with a little work, press the button on my elevator to go outside. i can no longer bath or dress myself, do my own hair or makeup. I cant get in or out of bed without help. I spend my days in my powerchair. With todays technology I am always planning ahead on how I will perform these tasks down the road. There are apps on my iPad to turn on lights, open doors and drapes, turn on the TV, answer the phone with voice command or later when I loose my voice, with eye gaze computer. I have done voice banking so when the time comes my computer voice will be my own. I even recorded my favorite prayers. Of course my best resources will always be Bill, Deb, Brenda, Carol and Marla! Bill gets me up and puts me to bed. He feeds me breakfast and supper. He is also in charge of the laundry and daily kitchen chores.Deb feeds me lunch,gets me ready when we go out and for church. She is in charge of getting me out of the house. In the winter it is harder to get out. Cold weather is not my friend! Brenda cleans our home, puts away laundry, baths me and does my hair. With lots of little extras! She is amazing! Carol comes once a week and cooks meals ahead for the week. We joke it is like having my Mom back! Carol is an amazing cook! She also does little extras! Marla helped me get ready for Christmas and has been helping me clean cupboards, closets and run errands.Deb has resently started a new job and they are short handed at the post office right now. Bill has been working long hours, six days a week. So without out our team of helpers life would be much more stressful! God is so good! People often ask me how I can stay so positive. I had shared my daily life for one reason, to show the great grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. He has blessed my family with so much love and support. I want for nothing! GOD IS SO SO GOOD!
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 14:43:01 +0000

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