Progressive Libertarianism via Stephanie Ortiz After an - TopicsExpress


Progressive Libertarianism via Stephanie Ortiz After an unprecedented unification behind Ron Paul, the Liberty movement is losing steam and fracturing. The problem lies with a misconception that many of the tea-partier and so-called small l libertarian or liberty republicans have. After working together with Libertarians, Voluntaryists, minarchists, and others like them in 2012, Republican Ron Paul supporters came away with the impression that we are simply a different kind of conservative, or rebranded Republicans. Giddy on their own momentum, a certain vocal minority in the Liberty movement is charging ahead, and becoming increasingly irate as others of us lag behind. Why dont we want to win the party back and have liberty, limited government, and cupcakes and sparkles? Why arent we falling in line, marching in step with them? Ron Paul was a remarkable and admirable politician. His integrity and decency made it easier to forgive the small philosophical differences I had with him. I was convinced that if elected he would, as the medical profession says, Do no harm. Which is better than I can say of most presidents elected within my lifetime. Rand Paul is not his father. Personally, I detest him. Politically, I dont trust him. Nothing you can say will convince me to support him. I dont care if he is the GOPs last best hope. I think that just effectively illustrates how pathetic the GOP has become. In order to win you need to build alliances, and appealing to the majority of Americans who are either tolerant of or actively support some of these so-called liberal issues would not in any way harm the movement. It is pandering to the socially conservative right that is counterproductive. Theyve already proven that their influence is waning, and the Liberty candidates trying to get elected through the Republican party arent meeting with a lot of success. The Rights war against things like marijuana and marriage equality are losing battles, and losing voters. I will not subvert my principles so you can win back YOUR party, and there are many others who feel the same way. Frankly, the disillusioned Democrats are starting to look like better allies than you. If you want our continued support, then youre going to need to start listening to us.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 04:07:58 +0000

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