Project 2014: Today we donated a portion of my sewing stash. - TopicsExpress


Project 2014: Today we donated a portion of my sewing stash. Eulogy to follow. I released fabric I bought when I was in high school, quilts I started when 15yo William was a newborn, projects I tried to make for in-laws who are now ex-wives, and otherwise a lot of moderately expensive good intentions at that Ive hauled through 15 years, 8 moves and 5 states (Utah, Washington, Mississippi, Colorado, Idaho and Washington again.) Some of this fabric I knew longer than Ive known Ross. I went through it all and asked myself these two questions: 1. Does it spark joy? 2. If I were in a store and found this, would I buy it? I made a first pass, then went back through and did another cull. You know what I found? I felt WONDERFUL about releasing all those old projects. I thought I loved them, but once they were gone I realized I have an abusive relationship with my old projects. (I know thats a bit dramatic.) Fabric gets mean when it sits idle. My fabric glared at me and silently, persistently asked when it would be their turn. Today I realized I was being a real dog-in-the-manger with my stash. The point of fabric is to help people, right? Mine wasnt helping me when it crowded my shelf. I donated everything to Project Warm-Up, where volunteers will take the massive tonnage formerly known as my stash and turn it into warm quilts and blankets for the poor. Here is the sad part: some of the fabric that left was stuff I bought years ago, and then hoarded, because it was too nice or too special to ruin with my lousy sewing skills. So these flat folds languished on their pedestal, chaste and unmarried to any project, until today when I looked at this special fabric and realized that I dont love it anymore. Isnt that sad? All this time I could have used it and enjoyed it, or given it away so it could have been enjoyed. All that time and space, wasted. Talk about burying a talent. My ex-fabric filled Ross Corolla stem to stern, with no room for passengers. It was such a relief to drop it off!!! We also made a big drop-off at Value Village with our Suburban. Todays donations totaled 1000. So now were at 1750/2014. Wow! So close! (My Tri-Citizen friends--if you are interested in donating to Project Warm-Up, call Matt And Shelley Mason- Bishop for info.)
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 04:35:27 +0000

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