Project: Desolation (at the stroke of 12.00pm on the 4th of March - TopicsExpress


Project: Desolation (at the stroke of 12.00pm on the 4th of March 2014) Desperate times call for for desperate measures,” so they say. And yes, we are in anguishes now. But fear not, this will be our final retaliation, our riposte to Cambridge’s ingenious efforts. Let us clarify our current dire situation in the Mnight trailer competition; Cambridge currently has over 3,900 likes, and we only have 1,400. There’s only one way we can win this, and it’s if everyone, yes, every single Malaysian in Warwick joins this cause of ours. Before we proceed with the strategy, let us tell you the incentives that we shall provide. Should we hit 2000 likes, Daniel and Dylan will joyfully jump into the Bluebell lake for us. Yup, they love MSA that much. And should we win first place (no matter how much more Cambridge may get), we will host a huge Food Social totally free of charge for everyone, be it members or non-members. Intrigued? So here’s the plan: we capitalise on what we have and Cambridge doesn’t, numbers. We have over 400 Malaysians here in Warwick, while they only have a hundred odd. The calculations are simple, I project that their numbers shouldn’t exceed 7000 by Saturday, assuming their growth peaks out as the Sigmoid curve would, hence we would need another 6000 likes. Not too many, if you really think about it. But we have to be smart in terms of how we’re actually gonna get this 6k likes. We cannot let our overlap of mutual friends be the fault that we fail to achieve triumph in this war of ours. Thus, from today onwards, we urge each one of you to personally message 150-200 friends whom you know would most probably not overlap with little if any of the other Warwick people. We would suggest that international students in Warwick be the primary group, and tell them that it’s for ’The Glory of Warwick. It works, really. Next would be your friends in your college, secondary school, extended family, etc. We have 5 days, so it’s up to you how you divide the 200 messages accordingly, but we propose you do it in one day, today. You never know when exactly these people would open their Facebook account, so leave no room for mistake. And if you guys are really up to it, for those who friends who do reply to you personally saying that they’ve done it, try ask them to convey it to another 5. Generally people who would take the effort to actually reply to these sort of messages wouldn’t mind going the extra mile to help you, so do make use of this opportunity to do so, as each single vote counts. What we are really trying to do is to create a wave in Warwick, which inevitably would spread across the different courses and batches. You could use the drafted message if you wish, which has been posted. We cannot afford to take the risk of not having everyone on board, if we really want to win. Thus, for each of you who reads this message, we hope that you will take the actions we have proposed and join us in this quest. Together, our dream shall be realised. Dulce bellum inexpertis, “War is sweet to those who have never fought.” With full of faith, Warwick MSA Committee 2013/14.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 12:03:11 +0000

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