Project Lexi by Author Lisa Survillas - TopicsExpress


Project Lexi by Author Lisa Survillas (facebook/authorlisasurvillas) Exceprt: As we settle on the couch, movie on, last glass of wine for each of us, I place my arm on the back of the couch behind her. I know it’s not much, but it’s nice to have her here. She makes it less lonely. Then she makes the night perfect. She places her head on my shoulder and cuddles up to me, fitting perfectly in the crook of my arm. Groggily, I open my eyes. Unable to get my bearings about me, I go to rub my eyes and realize there is a person next to me. Then there’s a knock at the door. It’s a very impatient knock too. Realizing Lexi and I fell asleep on the couch together, I move my arm from under her slowly and stand to stretch a bit before going to see who’s at the door. When I look through the peephole, I see Paige, and she is pissed. “Shit. This isn’t gonna be good.” I half whisper, half grumble as I open the door. Before she screams at me, I put my finger up to my mouth to say, “Shhh.” I open the door a little bit more and motion to Lexi. When Paige sees Lexi asleep, the anger leaves her body. I motion for her to follow me into the kitchen so we can talk without disturbing her. “Sorry, Paige. I didn’t mean for us to fall asleep watching movies.” “Wait, what? You were on the couch with her when she fell asleep?” “Yeah. I’m not sure who fell asleep first actually. I was asleep and your knocking is what woke me.” “I’m confused. She never sleeps anywhere but in her bed. Ever. She will not even fall asleep on our couch.” “Why?” “She’s never said as much but I assume it’s because nothing or nobody can sneak up on her there. She’s got her bed facing the door and up against the wall in the corner so you can only come straight at it. And she always goes to bed before she’s too tired, so she doesn’t fall asleep on the couch. I’ve lived with her for almost three years and she has never done this.” “So are you saying I should wake her?” “No. That’s not what I’m saying at all. I’m just saying that this is huge. Huge. I hope you understand how big this is. She trusts you. I’m trusting you. Don’t make me regret it. Don’t hurt her.” “Paige, it’s – ” She cuts me off. “No, I’m not saying you have to stay together forever. I’m just saying to be careful. She is fragile. If you are going to break up with her, do it kindly, gently.” “Can I finish?” She nods her head and tightens her lips with an apologetic look in her eyes. “It’s not even a question of hurting her. I want to kill her dad for what he did. I’m relieved I can’t though. Now, I just want to protect her, teach her to live, teach her to love.” “Okay, okay. Don’t go all mushy on me. I get it. Just be careful with her. I’m gonna go, but call me if she wakes up and freaks out. I can come get her if I have to.” She leans in and hugs me. And in that moment, I’m thankful that Lexi has had such a good friend to protect her all these years. But I want that job now. amazon/dp/B00L4ULUEK
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 18:08:14 +0000

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