Project and Pain Report: Pain 50 % down overnight. Slept sleep - TopicsExpress


Project and Pain Report: Pain 50 % down overnight. Slept sleep upwise on my couch (bank in Ductch) and it was a really great couch to sleep upright neck pain or lower pant...sleeping horizontally on the be increased the pain. Dont worry I am only going to milk this for a couple of more day,,,than I will go back to posting my art and my little inanities...Dont understand this new FB system if there is one... so I have no idea what percentage of my friends wll receive my postings... U an told there is a new system... Anyway pain is bear able now more like soreness ....or like I have survived a round with Muhammed Ali....So that is good huh and it already feels like it is decreasing more...I have 3 friends who are willing to carry my packages for me...because carrying stuff even fairly light stuff is painful for me right now... took a look at the sutures this morning pleasnant surprise..they are reallly small in length... dont know how they removed the bladder and stones out of even the biggest cut...Hey, I am starting new again for maybe the umpteenth time...nice Wishing you all a great day... hugs to everyone...
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 08:12:22 +0000

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