ProjectSave Devotional Monday, 20th, Jan 2014. HOW TO HAVE A - TopicsExpress


ProjectSave Devotional Monday, 20th, Jan 2014. HOW TO HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR Pt.20 WHERE YOUR HEART SHOULD BE Col3:2- Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. This year, your heart must be set wholly on heavenly things. What you think about often is a reflection of where your heart is. Rarely do we hear messages that are heaven-centric. Many believers arent heaven focused anymore&the pursuit of mundane things have flooded their heart. Do you know the rapture can happen anytime? And it could be this year. Lets leave our lives focused on the hope of eternity with Jesus. If you die, will you make it to heaven? As believers, either death or rapture, well go home to be with the Lord. If youre not born again, you risk eternity with the devil, you need Jesus in your life this year. PRAYER OF SALVATION Dear Father, forgive me of my sins and write my name in the book of life. I confess Jesus as my Lord&personal saviour, In Jesus Name.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 05:25:44 +0000

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