Projected life is what we think life is only illusion, but it is - TopicsExpress


Projected life is what we think life is only illusion, but it is powerful illusion because when someone comes to attack you, you defend or you simply remain peaceful. Once I was in Kansas working I was living in an apartment and I was near a big dog, I simply remained calm and awake, the dog did not even sniff me and went away. In this experiencing I knew so well inside me this is all illusion and even the dog is illusion, but I am not making this up, it happened just as real as today is St. Patricks Day, and people wore green. In life (in reality it is projected life) everything happens on its own, but your thought is too powerful and it tricks you into saying that is real. When I was having a conversation with my old friend, he was sure what his thought telling him is real and he assumed I need to agree with that, and I just played along, but I know thought is simply happening on its own through various factors that is taking place in the environment. Everything is happening is arising out of planetary influence and your position in the outer world is determined by the position of the stars and planets. So, you should believe in horoscope right? Yes and no because only horoscope calculated exact time of the birth can predicted more accurately to what you might experience in the future, but since it only effects projected reality or life true you are never affected by anything. So, your position today is the outcome of the planetary influence and I question horoscope study because it might be off or outdated because it was studied such a long time ago. Therefore, reading general horoscope might not be accurate. Never the less you are truly under planetary or starry influence and your health, wealth, love life, career, position and so forth is ruled by them. Your thought is influenced by these gravitational forces. Bear in mind what I mean by gravitational force is different than what Newton told you. When I mean gravitation is, there is relation between you and planets and stars and so on. I am seeing these forces in my own life (that is projected life, we assume is real). I felt the presence of Saturn in my sign and now he is in retrograde, I can breathe a little otherwise he was teaching me to be who I really am and not take any shit from anybody and I realized people were taking advantage of me or not respecting or not taking me seriously. Again these are only projected reality, but they are real and cannot be denied, but when you awaken you recognize they are just illusion, but powerful illusion. You cannot deny the reality, if you deny reality you deny the sun, moon, and the earth and in Reality these are all empty space, but there is apparent vibration, mass, lights and so forth and what is happening is happening dynamically. You have to accept everything as is and include everything. Today, I saw roughed up tool in the back of pick up truck, any other day I would have ignored it, but today it dawned on I cannot deny that because everything is part of the existence and that eye sore piece of object is serving some purpose. In meditation you are told to block out noise and remain silent is nonsense because how can you exclude something. Everything has to be included now in this ever perpetuating present moment. Whatever happening is perfectly flowing as it is and when you accept all that is true meditation. Not accepting what is, is not meditation that is denial. But, everything is mediation of dhyana or dream and you are unique expression of the universe and you must take part otherwise you will decay fast. So, you must dream what you are meant to dream while awake you are taking part as a father, brother, son, mother, sister, daughter, poor, rich, sick, healthy, a doctor, dishwasher, businessman, bus driver, lawyer, IT professional or whatever. You are simply expressing your expression thats all, but the little mind comes and analyzes, my parents sent me to school and then I went to college and got this job and now I do this and so on so forth is the product of linear thinking. Everything that you experience up to now is the influence of planetary and starry forces and you can write a story about your life is only whether the story is accepted as heroic or sad or villain or brave or coward or hardworking or whatever. You see each of us are put in here uniquely serving the universe thats all, but we have been brainwashed by spiritual forerunners and scriptures that we humans have a great purpose on the planet and universe and we are the ruler, but a simple ant has equal purpose as human as far as universe is concerned. When you fly on a jet plane above 40,000 feet and look down all humans appear smaller than ants. All these phrases I have been typing may mean something to you or not that depends what you are experiencing now and what you have experienced in the past that is stored in the memory. If you have suffered and that is only matter of time, everyone suffers ego vanishes and what I am writing is ego less. Total surrender to what is, yet this experiencing is powerful because what I am experiencing now is extraordinary and has great energy behind it that is stemming from within. This extraordinary amount of energy is flowing because there is no ego here and I have nothing to prove nor teach anybody anything nor influence anybody. I am simply expressing what the universe is expressing now through this mind and body. Expressions everywhere like flowers in the botanical garden. We are the flowers in the garden of God, if he exists.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:12:54 +0000

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