Projection of the Astral Self There are - TopicsExpress


Projection of the Astral Self There are limitations to the physical world we call reality. Because of these limitations we have found ourselves closed off to many things which are fascinating to explore. Astral projection takes some of these limitations away and allows a person to be free to explore and travel to places they might have previously thought impossible. Most people might assume that astral projection takes a lot of discipline and mental training, but it does not. Astral projection is not leaving your body; in fact your conscious self remains within your physical construct. It is more like projecting your light and energetic bodies to another location, anywhere. For successful projecting of the astral self (a non physical “light” body) you must align your energy points, let go, have a vessel to travel in, and initiate the travel. The first thing you will need to do is align your energy. Energy alignment happens best when a person is sourced to light (a connection to what you regard as the positive side of divinity). Picture in your mind light radiating from the top of your head all the way down to your feet, as you affirm or say out loud, “I am sourced to light, and I am perfectly aligned and connected with it.” Energy affects energy, and this means that a mental picture, or thought should bring that particular change into existence. You want to be as relaxed as possible. Some people will be able to “feel” this energy as they picture it, and others won’t. If you don’t feel all the sensations as you go, don’t worry, that doesn’t mean nothing is happening. It just means you need more practice. Picture the light pulsating throughout your body and exiting into the earth through your feet. Second affirm in your mind or say out loud, “My energy is perfectly aligned from head to toe in all energetic fields.” Then you picture in your mind your energy smoothing out from the top of your body all the way down to your feet. Once you have done this your energy is aligned in all respects. Since the physical plane vibrates much slower than do energetic realities, it will take longer to manifest on the physical plane. Your energetic bodies are now aligned and physicality (the 3rd dimension you call reality) will follow shortly. We can now move on to the next step. The second thing you need to do is “let go.” Letting go is the process of stepping outside your brain into a non-physical reality. Your life is a culmination of claims you’ve made about it. What you believe is true; to you, it becomes part of your life. We reap what we sow. We program our brain everyday by claiming things about our life. Now let’s manifest a new reality through claiming all possibilities. Picture letting go of your brain and lifting up and out while you affirm or say out loud, “I am fully capable of letting go… I can… I will.” You need to be particularly careful not to let your brain tell you that you can’t do it. You can be the master of your brain, but it will try to master you as a general rule. Be ready for it! When your brain tells you there is no more than what it can sense physically you must contradict it, and affirm to it that you have control in spite of its fear. So the last part is obviously to “bash” your brain until it eventually lets go. Third you need to build yourself an environment that will be the vessel for your journey. Think of it as a ship that will transport you anywhere you want to go. Your ship will have a control room and a master computer. Your computer is programmed to use the entire universe as an informational source, and it is controlled through your mind. You need to will your ship into existence through affirmation and visualization of my model. Next make sure you have an “elevator” (a path out the top of your head) from you to your ship as a way to move your light and energetic bodies to the ship itself. Use your imagination and get really comfortable with your creation. Strong energetic walls are good, but try to make them transparent because you are going to want to see what is going on outside, although you will experience the sensations as if you are there. There needs to be an activation button or words that, when pushed or said will activate the flight. The ship acts as a warp shell between your energetic construct and the outside world. It should be programmed not to take you anywhere you would rather not go; this is a very important safety precaution. The last thing you need to do is find a desirable place and initiate travel. My suggestion is that you try for a place you know about from this perspective, such as Venus. Think about your target; maybe even say it out loud. Next, trigger the activation button or words. This will take you to your destination immediately. You will swoop up to your vessel, a wormhole will open, and you will be taken to your destination. Astral projection is a great form of traveling throughout the universe. Not talking in the sense of a Mexico vacation or Cancun hotels either this is a journey strictly for your mind. Energy affects energy and you build your own reality every moment. Aligning your energy will give you the stability you need in an energetic world. Let go of the illusion we call reality. Realize we only since about a millionth of even our own physical reality from what our sensory perceptions can tell us. Even on this third dimensional reality we need some kind of vehicle whether it be a car or an airplane to quickly get us from point a to point b, and other realities it works the same way. Utilizing these principles will have you learning about something few get to experience while trapped in their bodies. There are so many things out there, beyond earth and its confine. To discover them will be an amazing experience for those of you who are serious about it.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 10:14:18 +0000

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