Prologue. Spiritus Wolfen Many a tale or urban legend exist, - TopicsExpress


Prologue. Spiritus Wolfen Many a tale or urban legend exist, little known is the tale of Spiritus Wolfen, an ancient guardian of times old, only one born as the planets make his symbol in the heavens, ordained by the universe, to lend magic where magic was truly needed, those that encounter him, often don’t remember the account, but the feelings they encounter remain , some for a life time and some only briefly, it can be a night sky that brings the memory to the fore , or a picture depicting the flying angel wolf, some imagined they had seen in a vague and now distant dreamscape of a time gone by. As the spirit is born, his appearance begins as the grey wolf, for at this time he is apprenticed and is engaged into learning his magic trade, so to the colouring expresses what some would deem as the ordinary or the unremarkable, time passes and his regeneration begins . The second coat of life begins, to understand those in need his change becomes the black wolf, to know a thing is to be a thing, and so his outward reflection shows the depth of the experiences that now immerse him, the traits of humanity are not easily traversed ,hate , fear ,anger ,sorrow and malice are but a few of the paths he travels along ,learning always and looking with clear eyes, the skin is shed again at the third, for the task of afore is over . With understanding comes compassion and empathy the tools needed for the much greater plan and so a new glow is apparent, the wolf turns golden ,and runs forward to fight greed ,selfishness and the bitter empty void that both cause. As the trial ends and the sky breaks the white wolf emerges, having risen above temptations grasp, he follows on for the road is ever on onward . The learning continues as the purity deepens his hue changes to silver, but no ordinary silver for this is the true wolfen spirit of healing, the silver wolf of healing, surrounded by a blue white light , his trials over , the flight of soul is about to begin. And as he approaches you, know then that he is ready to teach, but also always open to learn too, taking your soul to the places most do not believe exist, for too long the sense of wonder was lost , but know then that no sense of yearning can call him to you , only when your spirit is ready can he appear ,when it is most needed , for the one truth most deny themselves is at the end of every path without exception , all paths lead to love, no matter which one you’re on, despite which one you choose for whatever reason or circumstance, only at the end will you feel his true presence, ask the mother whom lost her child, from long ago till now all she will have is the memory of love if she chooses so, tis the same for any loss, as with when a soul moves past hatred and forgives even the deepest woundfull sins against them, they become whom they were before the event , he will not come on your terms, he will come when you’re ready to let go and truly travel without moving your guide will appear ,take your hand and you shall truly fly. Come hither little one your trial is over you are safe now Last night I ran But not as a man As spirit wolf into night Maybe a dream As the mind took flight Over the Irish sea did I fly Faster than the blink of a twinkling eye The magical scenes I’ve beheld Wrote in words to share so others may glean Just a fragment of the alto often unseen The darkest of seas The bluest silvery moon The quiet gentle waves The magical clair de lune One day I hope to paint So that all may share in this A vision that makes heart faint My secret place of magical night time bliss So fear ye not should you hear my song ,for I have returned to take you on to where you belong .
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 23:08:14 +0000

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