Prominent Islamic State (IS, ISIL, or ISIS) cheerleaders on - TopicsExpress


Prominent Islamic State (IS, ISIL, or ISIS) cheerleaders on Twitter celebrated the fatal shooting of a Canadian soldier Wednesday, hailing it as just retribution for the country’s decision to join the fight against the Middle Eastern terror group. While it remained unclear late Wednesday what the motivation of the gunman—identified as Canadian-born Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, 32—was, IS backers wasted no time in praising his murder of the soldier and subsequent shooting at Canada’s parliament. Multiple Twitter users known for their pro-jihadist rhetoric celebrated the violent attack and warned that IS will wage war on any country that opposes it. “My sympathy goes out to all the victims by Canadian F16s. They themselves have brought the war home!” one user identifying himself as Abu Zarqawi tweeted shortly after the attack. The tweet, like others praising the murder, was retweeted many times by others. Another IS backer identifying himself as Muthanna al-Kanadi was “laughing out loud” over the deadly attack. “Another Shooting in Canada,” al-Kanadi wrote. “This time inside the Pariliament [sic] building…and they wanted to bomb Iraq and Syriaa [sic]… lolllll [laughing out loud],” he tweeted. Another Shooting in Canada…… This time inside the Pariliament building… and they wanted to bomb Iraq and Syriaa.. lolllll — Muthanna al-Kanadi (@Muthanna88) October 22, 2014 Yet another pro-IS Twitter user who identifies himself as Abu Talha Al Muhajir and claims to be “amongst the Islamists in Sham,” or the Islamic State, said that attack was “expected.” “After Canada decided to Bomb & murder muslims, Supposedly just few bullets shook all of #Canada. Expected wasn’t it?” Muhajir tweeted. The Canadian Parliament’s decision to join the U.S. and other countries in the battle against IS sparked the attack, some claimed. “Oct 7: Canadian MPs [Members of Parliament] voted to bomb #IS, Oct 22: Attack on Parliament,” tweeted another IS sympathizer named “mujahid” who included the hashtags, “Ottowa” and “Canada.”
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 16:38:05 +0000

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