Promising new beginning July 25, 2013 A newly unfolding - TopicsExpress


Promising new beginning July 25, 2013 A newly unfolding Toastmaster year has brought the hope of achieving new goals. Our President Meike Bernert welcomed all members and our guest Peter with her unique friendly and outgoing character akin to a refreshing summer. Bärbel in her role as the Toastmaster of the evening shone as brightly as the sun. “Roast,” the word of the day given by Ingrid was used at least four times. At the request of the Toastmaster of the evening, along with introductions everyone shared ways to keep cool in the heat. The club’s newest member Mirja impressed the group with her first speech. She broke the ice by taking listeners on a journey through seven countries. Her intriguing invitation made everyone eager to follow the exciting trip as she shared how each place taught her life lessons. German taught her thinking. From Italy she learned about feeling. Her time in the United States built her confidence. In Japan she learned of humility. In Argentina she learn the importance of enjoying life. From Russia she learn about trust. And her time in India taught her that the barriers of language don’t matter. Ingrid, one of the club’s more experienced speakers, shared a history of the Red Cross. Her speech acquainted the audience with several strong personalities who employed their entire courage and efforts to save the lives of others, thereby laying the foundation for well-known organization. Silvia’s clever timing and delivery of the joke of the day earned a genuine laugh from the group, making many think differently about eyes, wood, hair and lips. Chinedu’s facilitation of Table Topics for the evening gave a few the opportunity to present impromtu thoughts on former world leaders, favorite city in the world, radio as a preferred medium and whether music is best played soft or loud. Don’t miss the chance to be a part of this thriving Toastmaster’s club. The next meeting takes place Aug. 8, at 7:45 p.m. at Restaurant Alt Wiesbaden at Kurt-Schumacher-Ring 17, Wiesbaden. Visit for more information about the club.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 14:54:36 +0000

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