Prompt~ Flashback. Into the Night Chapter 3~ - TopicsExpress


Prompt~ Flashback. Into the Night Chapter 3~ Raphael The Dubrinskys were very welcoming. Standing in the house, the beautiful mansion of Jacques and Raven, Hazelin was starting to feel a bit more at ease. Of course she would remain on edge for quite some time; Her parents had just been killed, she was in an unfamiliar land around new people and new dangers she was sure lurked around every corner. There was always danger for her kind. Something was always threatening them, hunting them. A Carpathian had to be alert, even in slumber there were dangers. The night had been a long one. Castiel and Desari were the most talkative, both wise with their years and had open arms for Hazelin. She sat, with her hands in her lap, her fingers laced together as Castiel told the others of her becomings and how she came to this new place. Hazelins eyes glanced upon Raven, Jacques wife. She was a stunning woman, long dark hair. Piercing eyes that could see right into you; Big beautiful pouty lips and curves most women would kill for. She remained seated rather close to Jacques as if she were afraid of anything new or different. Hazelin didnt ask, maybe Raven had been through some sort of tragedy on her own, maybe something happened to make fear and nervousness, come easy to her. Ravens husband, Jacques was handsome. His long hair, hanging just over his eyes. his shirt that hung open, revealing his bare chest, his abs perfectly chiseled on his body. His lips were thin lines the top one shadowed gently by a thin mustache of dark brown. His hands were large and strong, the left one baring a faded scar in the shape of a half moon. Jacques eyes were dark, beautiful, but deep. Looking at his eyes there was so much written in them, the stories of someone with a true past, whod somehow survived to live a new future. Sitting next to Jacques was Dominic. The youngest Dubrinsky brother. His pertinacious ways written all over his young, handsome face. His arms were muscular, in perfect formation. His light brown hair, was spiked, every piece in a perfect place on top of his head. His blue eyes were mesmerizing, intoxicating almost. He was tall, taller than his brothers, his face was smooth, not a hint of stubble traced his cheeks. The eagerness shone in his eyes like the brightest star lighting up the sky. It wasnt hard to tell, that Dominic was as some might say, the wild child of the family. The fingers on Dominics right hand were laced with the fingers of another. His very new wife Makia. For such a young Carpathian, she was irrevocably beautiful. She had the greenest eyes, Hazelin had ever seen. Her reddish brown hair, hung in soft curls that tickled her shoulders. When closed her lips formed almost the perfect heart shape. Makias skin was almost pale white, but a milky beautiful glow graced it. She had a welcoming face and a personality to match; It was obvious that she too, was a new member of this family, someone Hazelin thought she could share the common ground with, the first one shed try and be friends with. ~*~*~ And so we will train her, protect her. Educate her. Castiel said, bringing Hazelin back from her thoughts and observations of the people sitting around her. She gave a faint smile to those in the room with her and cleared her throat. I .. I want to thank you all. For letting me come here. After my parents di..-- she paused for a moment and closed her eyes, After I lost them, I wasnt sure how to carry on. When my mother left me the note, telling me to come here I was unsure. Afraid. But you all have been very welcoming, and I feel the change in the air. As if somethings waiting for me here. she noted, her eyes moving from person to person, hoping someone might be able to answer the hint of a question in her statements. Jacques pulled Ravens hand to his lips and kissed it once, delicately, as if he might break her if he applied to much force. Following that he stood from his seat on the large leather sofa and walked to Hazelin, holding his hand out to her, not saying a word. Hazelin took her sapphire blue eyes to his and noticed the warm look he was giving her. She slowly placed her hand in his and stood from the chair she was seated in. Jacques bowed his head to her, in respect, the way all Carpathians do, and as he rose again he spoke, his voice deep and strong. Welcome, my sister. Please know that you are welcome here anytime. Anything you might need, please feel free to ask. he said, pulling her hand to his lips and lightly pecking it with his lips. Following Jacques lead, Dominic stood from his seat and raised a brow, trying a bit to hard to act smug. I spose it might be cool having a younger sister to mess with. he said, earning himself hardened glances from Castiel and Jacques. Both insinuating there were better words he could use to welcome her. I happen to be the same age as you, thank you. Hazelin retorted, the slightest trace of disdain tracing her words. Fiesty. Dominic said, and shook his head before bowing in respect ot his new sister. Castiel chuckled a bit and Hazelin heard his last thought, though it was muffled, /She mght be the one to put Dominic down a peg or two./ He thought , smirking at his youngest brother. After being officially welcomed by every member of her new family and being briefed on the basics of the mansions and their ways, Hazelin furrowed her brow a bit and placed a hand to her throat. She hadnt fed since two days before her parents died. Her throat was aching for the feel of warm blood coating it. Her taste buds watered at the thought of the first drops of the velvety liquid touching them. Slowly, again, Hazelin faced the crowd and her eyes wondered their faces. Would it be alright if I stepped out for a while, I need to feed, I havent in several days. she said, hoping they wouldnt think it was just an excuse to get away. Of course my dear, Jacques, would you mind going with her? Castiel said, turning his attention to his brother. Oh theres no need to- Hazelin started, but was cut off by Jacques raising his hand. There are beings out there dear. Youll need protection. I dont want to chance you running into Raphael on your own. he said, causing Hazelin to acquire a look of pure confusion. Raphael? Hazelin asked curiously, her heart already pounding with anticipation and fear. Another hunter? She wondered. Awesome. This is what she thought shed gotten away from, and here they were being hunted as well. Is he a .. hunter? she asked, breaking the silence encouraging one of them to respond. The last person, Hazelin expected to respond was the first one to speak. Her voice was like a whisper. Raphael, my dear sister, is a Carpathian. But a tormented one. Raven said, now standing directly in front of Hazelin, their eyes locked together. He was captured long ago, by his uncle, Rand. Rand faced the choice of darkness or death, and he chose darkness. He took his fury out by kidnapping Raphael and for years he tormented him, so that Raphael is now a furious beast. Raven explained. Hazelin, you must be on guard, Raphael takes humans and Carpathians alike for his own, as his prey. And a pretty young thing like you.. Hes certain to target. Raven said, fear in her voice as Jacques began to cradle her in his arms. Hazelin looked at Raven, the words hadnt been said but this must have happened to her. This must be why shes so afraid. Raphael. Hazelin didnt want to defy her new family so she reluctantly agreed to let Jacques accompany her on the hunt. Shall we go then? she asked him, pulling a few strands of hair behind her ear. After you sister. he said, motioning toward the door. ~*~*~ Raphael McLouden, was a tall, dark skinned, very handsome Carpathian. His charming face and perfectly sculpted body were alluring, toxic almost. Irresistible to most human women and a hard thing to resist for the Carpathian women. His eyes were a dark brown, with shimmering green specks in them. His body glowed in the moonlight, his facial features tight and eager. In a nearby alleyway, he could hear the faint whispers of two humans. A young female in her early twenties and a male, twenty eight, maybe twenty nine. Stealthily, he crept around the streets, his eyes flicking in every direction. Raphael didnt fear many, but there was one, he always hoped never to run into. The Dark One. Raphaels jeans were tight fitting to his body, and the black sleeveless shirt he wore was thin and faded. His movements were swift and keen, like those of a jungle cat, ready to pounce at any moment. As he neared the alley, his fangs descended. His mouth watered as he smelled the blood running just under the skin of the humans. A small growl came from the depths of his throat as he smirked at his newest fantasy. Hed kill the male straight away.. feed on his blood, let it nourish his body. Raphael then planned to have his way with the woman, take her in all the ways he wanted, assert his dominance over her and once hed been pleasured enough, hed drink the sweet succulent blood from her very pores. Just a few more steps. he mumbled aloud as he rounded the corner. The humans voices had faded and what he was what not what hed expected. Someone had beat him to his prey. A female. A stunning female, with long brown hair and a body that was to die for. Her beautifully shaped lips were pressed to the human womans neck, savoring every drop of blood they pulled out. She was perfect and Raphael forgot about the humans and his thirst for their blood. All he wanted now was /her/. A low growl escaped Raphaels lips as he entered the alleyway, his back pressed to the wall, so he wouldnt give his position away. His body crouched into the pouncing stance, teeth bared, his eyes dark. Just as he was about to leap for the beauty, he flipped his head in the opposite direction to see Jacques Dubrinsky, crouched beside him, glaring. I give you one warning, Raphael. Leave. he said, through bared teeth, his fists tight, his muscles throbbing with anger and hatred. Raphael smirked. He wasnt afraid of Jacques in the slightest. She doesnt belong to you, Dubrinsky. You have a lifemate, do you not.? he said smugly, both men keeping their voices low, neither wanting to alert Hazelin. Shes family. Jacques retorted, his voice soaked with a threatening tone. Raphael, raised a brow, he knew he wouldnt get the girl with her brother standing here waiting to pounce. Ill go, he said, pausing to look at Hazelin once more as he licked his lips. But she will be mine. he said, before vanishing into the night. Jacques stood and watched, listening for danger. His eyes flicking in every direction a mile a minute. He watched Hazelin and furrowed his brow. There was so much to tell her, so much to teach her, and so little time to do it. ~*~*~ Raphael, sat on a branch of a tall tree. The image of Hazelin in his head. His animalistic nature took over and he knew she would be the most delicious prey of all. He looked forward to the chase and even more to the capture. Tomorrow, my hunt begins. he said, his eyes narrowing at the moon.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 01:59:56 +0000

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