Proof Jesus = 666 - David Ickes Official Forums davidicke › ... - TopicsExpress


Proof Jesus = 666 - David Ickes Official Forums davidicke › ... › Main Forums › Religion Jan 4, 2012 - 20 posts - 4 authors Gematria Proves that 666 is Jesus Christ The Beast Ἰησοῦς = 888 (Jesus) Χριστός = 1480 (Christ) 888 + 1480 = 2368. Revs 13:18 in Greek The books in Suzars 666 Exposé Series are largely from the upcoming 666 Zodiak Christ: The Mason-PISO SupperBeast, by Suzar. This full volume should be available in a few years. Arius Calpurnius PISO is the true author of the New Testament and plagiarizer of the Old Testament. The Secret PunCode Composing his entire book, The Holy Bible is not limited to the bible; it is also built into and throughout what I call The Global PISO Spell Machine. SuperBeast Geasus is SupperBeast Chryst, the Feast, Eucharist, Supper ­which is the Central Rite of Christian worship. Hence, Cannibals consume his flesh and drink his blood, ritually. They suspect not that the opposite is occurring! The Insatiable SuppingSappingSucking Devouring SuPPer-Beast-Jesus, the GreedyGougingGourmet PISO-Machine is consuming their Lifeforce... via its many Mind-Control Programs. Any wonder he was CROSSified between two THEIVES. Being between them on a hill, hes highest so hes the Chief Thief, KING Thief: THIEF: Christ admits hes a Thief: Behold, I come as a thief (Rev. 16:15). FOX: The Fox is notorius as a Thief; Jesus compares himself to the Fox (Mat. 8:20; Luke 9:58). ROBBER: A Thief is a Robber. Jesus is implied a Robber by there being a Robber (baRABBAs) released from jail in his stead. When asked to chose between Christ or Robber-Murderer-Barabbas, the people picked the Robber: Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ? (Mat. 27:17]. [[ Also at: John 18:39, 40; Mat. 27:21, 26 ]] Really, Robber-Barabbas IS Thief-Jesus Inconspicuous evidence of this be present. The vibrations of name JESUS CHRIST, along with other BeastChrist-paraphernalia, are found with Barabbas: The inverse vibration of name BARABBAS is 170, which is the skor vibration (skors 19 +vibe 151=170) of name JESUS CHRIST. (Use Vibralator to compute these) 151, the vibration of name JesusChrist, along with 115 another Christly number, occurs camouflaged multiple times, with other verse numbers citing the choosing of Barabbas over Jesus: Mark 15:11, 15:15. Barabbas was no ordinary robber, like famous-Jesus, he was notable; the verse has 115 skors: And they had then a notable prisoner, called Barabbas (Mat. 27:16). The vibration of NOTABLE--BARABBAS is 115. The inverse vibration of NOTABLE JESUS is an astounding 181; thats SDL 181, the combined vibrations of names Satan-Devil-Lucifer. NOTABLE JESUS CHRIST BARABBAS has 59 skors; 59 is the vibration of name PISO, the Hidden Real Robber behind all this. 666 is the sum of the backwards vibration (266 becomes 662) + fully reduced IV (436=13=4). Prisoner-Robber Barabbas was released at a FEAST (Mat. 27:15, Mar 15:6). This ties in with SupperBeast Jesus, who IS the Feast. Barabbas = Lord-Rob-Us. BAR in BARabbas is Kamite BAR / BAL (Kamite [Egyptian] R and L are one). BAL is BAAL meaning LORD. Christ is called LORD thru out the New Testament. Bar (=Bal, Baal, LORD); Rab (ROB); As (Us). PP in suPPer is pun for 77 --the vibration of name CHRIST, for letta P the 16th alfabet vibrates to 7 (16=1+6=7). Notice that Barabbas and robber each contains PP upsidedown. JJesus be both. He robbs and ddevours, for he be PPISO. Like JESUS, word SUPPER only occurs in the New Testament Word SUPPER is PISO disguised. SUPPER contains PESU = PISO. SUPPER = R-PESU ( aRe PISO). The vibration of SUPPER is 95, which is backwards 59, the vibration of name PISO. The reverse skor vibe is 666 (skors 13 + backwards RV, 653 [from 356] ) = 666. The Eucharist / Mass / Lords Supper Ritual is one of many forms of The Hidden Worship of PISO! ...allowing the PISO Machine to suckSuckSUCK. Devour worshippers energy. Moni 2. THE LORDS SUPPER is pun for The Lord is Piso! The inverse vibration for both phrases is the same! ... 182 ...which is SDL 181 +1. The mirror skor vibration of the Lords supper (2Cor. 11:20) is 999 which is upsidedown 666. (skor vibe, 227 [from SK 31+VB 196] + RV 772 = 999) The 6th occurrence of word SUPPER is Christ supping at Luke 22:20. Lucifer, I mean Luke is the 3rd NT book, so this can be written as 3:22:20. Remove second colon and get 3:2220. Multiplied, 3 x 2220 = 6660. Since zero is nothing, this 6660 = 666. Supper = Feast. The inverse vibration of SUPPER FEAST is 151, which is the skor vibe of name JESUS CHRIST...The SupperBeast. The short vibration is 47, which is backwards 74, the vibration of name JESUS. The first NT occurrence of FEAST got SupperBeastJesus: Matthew 26:2: Ye know that after two days is the feast of the passover, and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified. PISO is present, disguised in word PASSOver. Phrase Son of man is betrayed is pun for Son of man Be-Three. This Great 3 is the TriplePhallus, punned as threescore = 3 skors = 111. The verse occurs at Mat. 26:2. Delete colon and this becomes 262. Subtract 151, the vibration of name JesusChrist, and the difference is an astounding PremierBeastFlag 111. . FEAST = BEAST FEAST-Jesus is BEAST-Christ Letta F = P (as in Father, Pater). And P sounds like B. Also B is two Ps, and lowercase b and p are the same image, like numerals 6 and 9. Therefore, Feast = Peast = Beast. In PunCode, Jesus the FEAST is Christ the BEAST! The words FEAST--JESUS occur in 8 biblical verses. The first occurrence contains words FEAST JESUS consecutively: Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and taught (John 7:14). FEAST JESUS, 8 times, vibrates to 1000....pun-twin of 1110...another key numba-code for PISO. 666: Computed backwards, the debit mirror vibe of FEAST JESUS, 8 times, is 4662, which is 666 x 7. Thats 666 +666 +666 +666 +666 +666 +666. The digits 6 and 7 as 67 is the skor vibe of name SATAN. 666: is the tri vertical column vibration of FEAST. (left column 512+ middle column 151 + right column 003 = 666). Notice the middle vertical column is 151, which is also the vibration of name JESUS CHRIST. 666: The word FEAST, 13 times, has at least one big 666 (VB 663 + IV fully reduced, or 3 [from IV 1092 = 1+0+9+2 = 12 = 3]= 666 ). Hmmm. Then lets look at the verse of the 13th occurrence of word FEAST in the New Testament. Will we find a Beast? or Christ? The 13th occurrence of FEAST is at LUCifer 23:17. What do we find here? ...ONE: Luke 23:17: (For of necessity he must release one unto them at the feast.) This ONE must be mighty special. Lets look at the verses just prior and afterwards for clues as to why : Luke 23:16: I will therefore chastise him, and release him. Luke 23:17: (For of necessity he must release one unto them at the feast.) Luke 23:18: And they cried out all at once, saying, Away with this man [[Jesus]], and release unto us Barabbas: Wow! We see that ONE is logically referring to the Robber we barely escaped earlier: BARABBAS! As prior noted, really he be ThiefChrist. The Feast. Beast. But normal LOGIC is not the rule in PunCode. There4 word ONE is code...for SomeThing Else. ..which well identify in upcoming Excerpts from this book in progress. Lets briefly analyze the 3 verse numbers: 23 is the (short) vibration of PISO. A sneaky 666 be present; the sum of the first 3 vertical columns is 666 (222+333+111). The verse number, 23:17 got GM and Gesus. Delete the colon and write it backwards and get 7132. First 3 digits as 7 and 13 correspond to G and M, the insignia on all top Mason stuf. 713 - 666 = 47, which is backwards 74, the vibe of name JESUS. . CanniBaal Christs FIRST Miracle (GreatAct) was at a FEAST ...where he turned water into blood, I mean wine (John 2:9,11). He did this at CANNIBAL, I mean CANA. Yes, BAL be there, multiple times! as follows: BAL is punned as numerals 2 and 1 the digits of the verse numbers: CANA occurs 4 times in the Bible, all in the NT, all in book of John. All locations (except 3rd occurrence at John 4:46) are composed of these digits: John 2:1, 2:11 and 21:2. Numeral 2 corresponds to 2nd alfabet, B. And numeral 1 both = A (1st alphabet) and l (numeral 1 looks just like lowercase-L: l ). the 1st & 12th alphabets, same digits 2 and 1. So 21 = BL = BAL. Cana-Bal. The previous 2s and 1s are a set of four, hence four BLs (BaL­ BaL­BaL­ BaL) ...which match the 4 occurrences of CANA, creating Cannibal four times. The 2nd (theres 2 again) time Jesus went to CANA, he interfaced with a noBAALman (noBLEman). This is that exception verse, John 4:46. The location number 4:46 is a 446. Take any of the previous four 2s to produce 22. Combine with 644 and get 666. Add zero (nothing) to 216 and get 2160; these are numerals resembling the lettas spelling P-I-S-O (P=6 upsidedown & flipped; I=1; S=2, 0=O). The biggest BAL here be Jesus himself. He is called LORD throughout the N.T. LORD is the meaning of word BAAL (BAL, BEL...). Baal-Christ at CANA is the Great CanniBal! ­ son of The Great DOG (GOD backwards)! Yes, PISO be there too, multiple times! as follows: All the previous 2s and 1s produce multiple 211s, pointing to ....PISO! ­the GreatGreedyGorgingGouging Hidden BAL behind all this. How? His name formally first occurs in the Bible at Gen. 2:11, as PISON (=PEISON, Greek version of Roman PISO). Since Genesis is the 1st book, this verse can be written as 1:2:11, reducing to 5 (sum of the digits). And 5 is the fully reduced vibration of name PISO. CANA­BAL 5 times vibrates to 170 which is the skor vibration of name JESUS-CHRIST (vibe 151 + skors 19). CALPURNIUS PISO is punned as peripheral words connected with the verses, such as PASSOver, BESOught, GALilee & CAPERNAUM. (CAPERNAUM = CALPURNIUS: add L, and let M= S (greek Sigma, S), then Capernaum becomes Calpernaus = Calpurnius, Pisos last name. In the PunCode, many words are like this, where if the word is changed by 1 or 2 lettas, the hidden tooth is exposed, expisoed. Christs LAST Miracle (GreatAct) was a CanniBAListic FEAT = FEAST In the Bibles PunCode, words have multiple decodings. Cannibal, I mean CANA BAL, is CANE (Phallus) BAL (Lord, High). Erected High as can BEast as Christs Great Raised-Erection,The Resurrection. Really, this High Erected Devouring Phake Phallus belongs to PISO...the Great Global PISO Spell Machine, Devouring planet Earth and all Her Life. The word RESURRECTION is pun for PISOs Erection as follows: Roman R is greek P, hence, RESU = PESU = PISO in RESUrrection. Inverse vibe of RESURRECTION is 159, pun for one 59, vibration of PISO. 159 fully reduced is 6 (159=1+5+9=15=6). Word RESURRECTION is 666-ed up: The second tri-vertical column is 666. The tri-vertitcal column vibration is 1332 which is 666+666 (column1, 166 + column 2, 666+ column3, 500= 666). 666 is the sum of RV (660) + fully reduced IV (6). SH (66) with RV (660) = 66660. Decoding further, we find that CANA-BEL (CanniBal) is a twin-in-meaning of Bab-El: CANA and BAB both represent the Female Principle. BAL and EL both represent the Male Principle. So Bab-El and Cana-Bel = Yoni and Lingam. Vagina (vaCANA) and Phallus (BALus). When Dik and Pussi joins, ENERGY is generated. Creation Happens. In fact, it was a WEDDING (joining!) that Jesus attended at CANA. Really his own! About the last time we find Jesus in the bible, again it is at a wedding! Again his own! --complete with a FEAST called the MARRIAGE SUPPER of the Lamb (Rev. 19:7, 9). Not surprisingly, yet shockingly still, we find CANA-BAL-ism beginning just several verses latter in the same chapter (verses 13 to 21. [theres 2­1 again, BL]), particularly with the mention of the SUPPER of the great God; That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh.... Although it states the fowls are the eaters, this phrase is code for DeVil. Word THE=DE; word FOWLs=FOUL...and VIL. The-Foul. The-Vile. DeVile. Devil. And since L=R, then deVIL = deVIR = DEVOUR. This is a Cannibalistc Feast-Supper. Serial-Killer Christ himself does the killing. Its right there in the biBAL at REBELation (DEVILation) 19:15, 21. No wonder Christs garments are bloody, dipped in blood (Rev. 19:13). He apparently begins by killing noBLEmen, or men of high standing (19:18). This is symbolic Castration, or PISO (TheVile, DeVil) taking away peoples Power; Dikk (TEK, TEKen, Obelisk) a symbol of Power. And the Real LAST SUPPER. Being both, in the Bibles last book and almost-last chapter, this SuperFeast is the real Last Supper in the Bible, plus the Last FEAST and Last FEAT (Great Act, miraCLE /miraKILL) of SupperBeast Jesus. Same last book even mentions the FEET of Christ (Rev. 1:15). CANNIBAL CHRIST Numbers ... CANA BEL The inverse vibration is 151, which is also the vibration of name JESUS-CHRIST. The reverse vibration, 182, is SDL 181 +1. CANA BAL JESUS CHRIST The inverse vibration is 301, pointing to Jesus Christ. 151, his name vibration, is the midpoint of 301. The short vibration is 59, pointing to the real CanniBaal behind all this mess, PISO! 59 is the vibe of his name. The reverse vibration (761) minus 666 is 95, which is pisos 59 backwards. Again, more inconspicuous evidence (signature) of PISO. CaniBaal Christ be like this because his Daddy be like this. He inherited these and other undesiraBAL horriBAL terrorBAL traits from his Daddy, BAAL-JEHOVAH, who is 666 times worse. See JEHOVAH WICKEDNESS for sample gory hors d oeuvres (details). Jehovah admits his other name is BAAL : And it shall be at that day, saith the LORD [[all CAPS LORD are translations of name JEHOVAH]], that thou shalt call me Ishi; and shalt call me no more Baali (kjv, Hos. 2:16). Delete colon from verse numba and get 216, a form of 666 (6x6x6=216). In upcoming excerpts, well look at the 666s and other key numbers around these words. ISHI-BAALI, 37 times, has 666 skors. Prove this by entering it 37 times in the VibraLator. Jehovah is one with JAH-BUL-ON, also containing BAL at the center. JahBulOn is GOBBLE-On, JOLLY and Greedy as can BEast. Jesus as BAAL CHRIST occurs disguised as And what concord hath Christ with BELial (2Cor.6:15). The skor vibration of CHRIST BELIAL, 12 times is 666 (reduced SK [312 = 6] + SH 660 = 666). The tri vertical column vibration is 1332, which is 666+666. (First column 167+ 2nd column 460 + 3rd column 103 + 4th column 602 = 1332, a double 666). The vibration, 1416, is number-pun for Chi-Rho, the Christ monogram: 14th & 16th greek alfabets, Xi & Pi is pun for roman X & P. Combined (as P stuck in X), is called Chi Rho. Jesus King of the JAWS BeastChrist DEVOURS. King of the JAWS is the hidden pun-meaning of Christs title KING OF THE JEWS. There is abundant hidden-in-open-view evidence indicating this, laced with 666s and SDL 181s. Full details in the full version of this book. For now here are appetizers: Wordpart DEVOU (from DEVOUr ) occurs 128 times in the Old Testicles, and 23 times in the New Testicles. Sum, 151, is the vibration of name JESUSCHRIST. 33 is the age of Christ. The inverse vibe of JAW 33 times, is 1551, a stretched 151, the vibration of name JESUS CHRIST. First occurrence of wordpart JAW got JesusChrist, pun-disguised, at least 6 times: Judges 15:15 And he found a new jawbone of an ass.... Here is the first guise: 151, the vibration of name JESUS CHRIST occurs in the verse number twice; one time is inverted (515) (remove colon). Bonus 666: Added backwards, the verses short vibration (SH 366 becomes 663) + fully reduced inverse vibe (IV 1317 reduces to 12=3) is 666. Exact phrase King of the Jews occurs 17 times in the Babble, including 4 times in ALL CAPITAL lettas (Mat.27:37, Mark 15:26, Luke 23:38, John 19:19). Then you know these four are special. Lets pick on just their verse numbers: 1st, Mat.27:37: verse numba is a disguised 666 as follows: 27x37 = 999 which is upsidedown 666. 2nd, Mark 15:26: The first 3 digits of the verse number read backwards are 6-2-5 which is 625. Mark is the Babbles 41st book. 625 + 41 is a perfect 666. 3rd, Luke 23:38: (details in full volume) 4th: John 19:19: the verse number is a disguised SDL 181: 19x19= 361, of which SDL 181 is the midpoint. Title THE KING OF THE JEWS, 36 times, vibrates to 6660. Confirm this by entering it 36 times in the VibraLator. Title THE KING OF THE JAWS has the exact vibration (SDL 181) & reverse vibe as Satan-Devil-Lucifer, the secret identity of Jesus Christ, the re-creation of Arius Calpurnius PISO. The tri vertical column vibe for both are also the same, 1110, pointing to PISO. 1110 is the tri vertical of his biblical name as PISON (pun for greek PEISON). GreedyGorgingGesus is twice called GLUTTONOUS in the Bible, at Luke 7:34 and Mat. 11:19. In fact, the only 2 biblical occurrences of GLUTTONOUS refer only to Christ. The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber.... The latter verse number, 11:19 = 1119; that 9 is 6 upsidedown; and 111 x 6 = 666. The phrase Behold a man gluttonous vibrates to 77, the vibration of name CHRIST. The phrases inverse vibration, 301, is double 151, the vibration of JESUS CHRIST. WINEBIBBER occurs 2 times in the BIBle, each time referring to Gluttonous Jesus (Mat. 11:19, Luke 7:34). The inverse vibration of WINEBIBBER is 181. Thats SDL 181, the vibration of combined names Satan-Devil-Lucifer. The crowned quadra skor vibe of WINEBIBBER is 666 (SK 29+ VB 89+ SH 53 + RV 494 + reduced IV 1 [IV, 181=10=1] = 666) (crowned means the skors are added 1 time instead of normal 4 times for 4 vibes). Add name jesuschrist to the double occurrences and get: JESUS CHRIST, GLUTTONOUS, GLUTTONOUS, WINEBIBBER, WINEBIBBER. 666 is the bi vibration (VB 657 + reduced SH [225=2+2+5=9] = 666) : The SWORD is referred to as a FleshDevourer; Christs Daddy JEHOVAH says: I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh (Deu. 32:42). A great Sharp Twoedged SWORD (DIK, phallus symbol, LingamLingua Tongue) comes outta SupperBeast Christs grizzly beastly foaming Rabbid baRabbas MOUTH, to SMITE (=Kill, Devour) : ...out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword (Rev. 1:16). These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges (Rev. 2:12) ..and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth (Rev. 2:16). And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh (Rev.19:21). And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations (Rev. 19:15). Naturally he be bloody: And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood (Rev. 19:13). This Jesus CHRIST is Some Thing Else; he is the Mason-PISO SupperBeast who is none other than Arius Calpurnius PISO, his re-creator. The Original Kamite KRST (KaRaST)was stolen from Afraka a long time ago and replaced with a ROBBing REPtilian CounterFEIT: PISO, The Great Architect of the Devil. Check back later for delicious Excerpts. Keep a bucket nearby as you read. . . . 666 series ENDtroduction 666 Exposé Series Topic 1: Bibles Secret PunCode Topic 2: TripleBeast SuperPenis Topic 3: Bible-Torah-Koran = PZL Topic 4: piso...Piso...PISO ! Topic 5: SKOR-Vibrations Exposed Page 1: 666 Zodiak Christ Page 2: 666 Emmanuel Christ Page 3: 666 Baphomet Christ Page 4: 666 Jehovah Wickedness Page 5: 666 EnterNet Global Fasces
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 17:17:05 +0000

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