Proof for 8 rakah taraweeh : Proof # 1: Abu Salamah bin Abdur - TopicsExpress


Proof for 8 rakah taraweeh : Proof # 1: Abu Salamah bin Abdur Rahmaan asked Umm ul- Mu’mineen Aaishaa [radiallah anha] that: How was the night Prayer of the Messenger of Allah [peace be upon him] in ramadaan? So Sayyidah Aaishaa Siddiqa replied: “The Messenger of Allah [peace be upon him] did not exceed praying 11 rak’ah neither in ramadaan nor outside of ramadaan” [Saheeh Bukhaaree: 1/154 H. 1148, 1/269 H. 2013; Saheeh Muslim: 1/254 H. 738] Proof # 2: Sayyidunah Jaabir bin Abdullah [radiallah anhu] narrates that: “The Messenger of Allah [peace be upon him] led us in a prayer in ramadaan of 8 rak’aahs and witr.” [Musnad Abi Ya’la: 2/326, Al- Mu’jam al-Sagheer by Al-Tabaraani: 1/190, Fath ul- Baari: 3/12, Chain Hassan] Proof # 3: It is narrated on the Authority of Jaabir bin Abdullah [radiallah anhu] that: Ubayy bin Ka’b [radiallah anhu] came to the Messenger of Allah [peace be upon him] and said: “O Messenger of Allah! I did something yesterday night.” The Messenger of Allah [peace be upon him] said: “What did you do?” He said, “Some women came to my house and said they did not know much Qur’aan so we shall pray behind you and will listen to the Qur’aan.” So I led them in 8 rak’ahs of prayer and offered the witr prayer.” The Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) remained silent and thus it became the Sunnah.” [Musnad Abu Ya’ala 2/362, Zawaaid Musnad Al-Imam Ahmed: 5/115, Al-Mu’jam al- Awsat by Al-Tabaraani: 4/141, Qiyaam al-Layl by Al-Marwaazi: 217, the chain is Hasan] Imam Ibn Hibbaan [2550] has declared it Saheeh, and Haafidh Haythami has declared its chain to be Hasan. [Majma az-Zawaaid: 2/74] Proof # 4: Companion of the Messenger, Saaib bin Yazeed [radiallah anhu] narrates: “Umar bin Khattaab [radiallah anhu] ordered Ubayy bin Ka’b, and Tameem Daari [radiallah anhum] to lead people in 11 rak’aah taraweeh (with witr).” [Al-Muwatta by Imam Maalik: 138, Sharh Ma’ani ul-Athaar by Al-Tahawi 1/293, Al-Sunan al-Kubra by al-Baihaqi: 2/492, Mishkaat al-Masaabih 1/407, its chain is Saheeh] Proof # 5: Sayyidunah Saaib [radiallah anhu] reports that: Sayyidunah Umar [radiallah anhu] gathered all the people on Sayyidunah Ubayy bin Ka’b, and Sayyidunah Tameem Daari [radiallah anhum], they both used to lead 11 rak’aahs of taraweeh.” [Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah: 2/391,392; Taareekh al-Madeenah by Imam Umar bin Shibah: 2/713, its chain is Saheeh] Proof # 6: Saaib bin Yazeed [radiallah anhu] narrates that: “During the Caliphate of Umar [radiallah anhu], we used to pray 8 rak’aahs (of taraweeh).” [Sunan Sa’eed bin Mansoor with reference from Al-Haawi lil Fatawaa by As-Suyuti: 1/349, Haashiah Athaar as-Sunan by Al-Naimwi: 250, its chain is Saheeh] Allaamah Subki writes: “Its chain is Saheeh of the highest level.” [Sharh Al-Minhaaj bahawalah Al-Haawi lil Fatawaa: 1/350]
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 14:58:42 +0000

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