Proof that the Holy Spirit empowering a life on mission is what - TopicsExpress


Proof that the Holy Spirit empowering a life on mission is what unifies a people for Gods glory- The movement that happened in Phllippi (the church that the apostle Paul was writing to in his epistle Philippians) centuries ago had some pretty odd beginnings. It started with Paul and Silas journeying through Philippi. In a series of miraculous events, they wound up with a filthy rich CEO of a fashion empire named Lydia, a recently exorcized slave girl, and a blue-collar ex-jailer that just finished torturing Paul and Silas. Probably not your dream church-planting team. But this truth is what made them inseparable- All these people found a far more beautiful thing than what they were holding on to before. Instead of focusing on what differences they had, they all ran after and were unified by Jesus. This is what it looks like to live a life worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It looks like daily walking with, humbly learning with, and openly doing life with people that have been bought with the blood of Jesus- despite your external differences. And what motivates this is Christ. Do our churches look like this? Are we counting everything of the world as loss and living life on mission with the believers God has ordained us to be with? I am guilty of not pressing in to community and not living shamelessly for the gospel alongside them. Please join with me in begging God to move, and that he would deeply unify and sanctify his church so that his glory and goodness may be known in our cities. May we be holy as he is holy and may we rely on the strength he has given us to do that. I am so excited to be a part of a group of people (The Gathering) that has not perfectly attained this, but is striving for it more and more daily.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 21:45:30 +0000

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