Propaganda War By Gog And Magog Against Omoyele Sowore By Bayo - TopicsExpress


Propaganda War By Gog And Magog Against Omoyele Sowore By Bayo Oluwasanmi Source: SaharaReporters Nov. 24 We knew this was going to happen sooner or later. Gog, Magog and a cast of thousands of Interpreters of Maladies of President Goodluck Jonathan’s presidency were coming and now they are here. Now that Jonathan and all his men are feeling the heat from the Sahara, they are crying and acting like puppies being taken away from their mother. Jonathan has been thrown into a muddy well where he sinks to an all-time low. The Jonathan presidency is a diary of disaster and Mr. President (as he loves to be called), watches calamity befall his country. Nigerians are experiencing total darkness literally and figuratively. Consider this: the country’s defenses are in shambles. The army had all gone AWOL. The land is covered with funeral songs, words of sorrow and pronouncements of doom. Nigeria is turned into a ruin, a mockery in the eyes of the surrounding nations and to all who pass by. The corrupt Jonathan administration has been unfaithful and fruitless to poor Nigerians. Jonathan has increasingly nourished a pathetic, disoriented, and perplexed people by separating them from one another in distrust and bewilderment. The frustration of poor Nigerians grows out of their oppressed and impoverished status. For the once shoeless Jonathan to bridge the chasm of hostility, fear, and distrust, he must begin to walk in the pathways of the poor masses and feel some pain and hurt that throb without letup in almost in their daily lives. The quality of life of Nigerians is characterized by pain. Pain so old and deep that it shows in almost every moment of their existence. Suffering and smiling Nigerians shed invisible tears that no hand can wipe away. Paul Laurence Dunbar vividly captured the suffering and smiling Nigerians many years ago while lamenting the sub-human life of the Negro: “A crust of bread and a corner to sleep in, a minute to smile and an hour to weep in, a point of joy to a peck of trouble, and never a laugh but the moans come double: And that is life.” Jonathan and his dishonorable men are suffering from an extreme case of hubris that is beginning to catch up with them. Their propaganda machines have been sputtering from Kalahari, and now to Sahara. The social media has been inundated with falsehood and lies by the empty headed megaphones of Jonathan with deceptive acronyms of propaganda outfits. Prominent among them are the ragtag TAN (Transformation Ambassadors of Nigeria), and the crumb-eating AUG (Artistes United for Goodluck). These paid Jonathan fabricators seek to marginalize and neutralize honest critics. But, I always find joy in pricking the Aso Rock balloons from time to time. The Jonathan psychos will try to dig up some dirt on critics. That’s expected. When they don’t find any, they lie and invent it. So, last week the social media was literally set on fire by them. NewsDay Reporters, an online portal, accused Omoyele Sowore of having being bought by APC under hysterical headline “EXPOSED! APC Rewards Publisher of Sahara Reporters With A Mansion Worth $5 Million In Atherton California” Through superb investigative journalism and thought provoking articles, SaharaReporters has been able to dramatize and accurately portray the fate that awaits Nigerians if Nigerian ruling class continues to operate as business as usual: siege, enslavement, and a very close shave. SaharaReporters has uniquely demonstrated the axiom to stay true and pure of the time honored journalism creed: see it clearly, show it creatively, and say it constantly. Despite many verbal attacks on Sowore, columnists, writers, contributors, and several attempts to yank SaharaReporters off the radar, SR has managed to stay true to its editorial core values and mission: “… of citizen journalists to report ongoing corruption and government malfeasance in Africa …” The Jonathanians have been loose for a season, a signal that persecution has been unleashed with intense furry against the media critics of Jonathan. They are all out to deceive and destroy our people and our nation such as was attempted in the Dark Ages by trying to nullify the influence of SaharaReporters in the hearts of its teeming readers. They are instruments of evil called “Gog and Magog.” The Jonathan administration is reputed for hypocritical nonsense. They will use all corruptive incentives to sway Nigerians. But the Nigerian people will have the final word against the propagandists’ terminal assault on the truth. The Gog is President Jonathan. The Magog represent Nigerian Jonathanians. The Gog is hell bent in developing an evil plan. We all know he’s a wicked, insensitive, obstinate, hard-hearted tyrannical president who doesn’t give a damn. The concocted story of bribe and kickback by the Gog and Magog against Sowore, is a work of propaganda that offers base innuendo in lieu of superior argument to the muck racking journalism practiced by SaharaReporters. The story is inseparable from familiar Jonathan administration’s scurrilous insinuations. It is the kind of writing that calls into question the very virtue of Jonathan’s sincerity and statesmanship. It is said that every conflict is fought on at least two grounds: the battle field and the minds of the people via propaganda. The bad guys like the Jonathanians are guilty of misleading their own people with distortions, exaggerations, subjectivity, inaccuracies, and fabrications in order to receive a sense of legitimacy. NewsDay Reporters is one of the many attack propaganda media outfits sponsored and well financed by Aso Rock with Nigerian tax payers’ money. The perversion and distortion of the truth represent the starting point and the governing concept and structure of the Jonathan administration. Jonathan came to office as an empty symbol and unexamined quantity whose tendencies and deepest principles have now been exposed. With the 2015 presidential elections around the corner, and because of the need to get re-elected, Jonathan and his professional liars believe the mask will drop. And Jonathan having bamboozled 170 million Nigerians when he first ran for the presidency, must now put his nefarious plan to intimidate or silence his harsh critics. We know Jonathan is surrounded by bodyguard of lies. False allegations pollute the well of public discourse. The propaganda against Sowore not only dips the Jonathan’s administration into new lows of shameless alarmism, but also contained myriad factual errors. The author of NewsDay Reporters story not only presents the story as unimpeachable source and uncritically regurgitates his claims, but also deliberately omits vitally important information that has undermined their ultimate goal to make Sowore a damaged good with zero utility. For instance, NewsDay Reporters fails to provide the address of the said property given to Sowore by APC. To prove the allegation true, let the Jonathan administration supply the address of the $5 million mansion. Within minutes, through the internet one could easily identify the property owner, year the property was built, the cost, when it was bought by the present owner, how much was paid for the property, and the market value. After all, the property is said to be in Atherton, California and not in Nigeria. Our democracy is not real. Our democracy is a failure. Nigerians are standing bare, naked, and dejected with lost opportunity. Nigerians are like the Ezekiel’s dry bones – no life, no hope, and no purpose for living. These are revolutionary times all over the world. People are revolting against old system of exploitation and oppression. Nigeria won’t be an exception. “Nothing doth more hurt in a state,” Francis Bacon warned us, “than that cunning men pass for the wise.” No amount of propaganda will deter or derail Sowore and SaharaReporters from being the vanguard against corruption and social injustice. We would not be cowed by their threats that surround us as nettles and briers and stinging scorpions. Jonathan administration is like a speck of dust on the political page of Nigeria and it would soon disappear from view, while the will and the wishes of Nigerian people lived on. The revolution has certainly begun! Contact the writer at byolu@aol.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 12:15:00 +0000

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