Properties of Agate: Keywords: Protection, Strength, - TopicsExpress


Properties of Agate: Keywords: Protection, Strength, Harmony Agates most noticeable properties overall are balancing yin/yang energy, courage, protection, healing, and calming. s. Agate is a stone of strength and also a very protective stone. Agate enhances creativity and strengthens the intellect, making it a beneficial stone for both students and artists. It is also known as a good luck stone. As a stone of harmony, one of the things agate does is balance yin/yang energy. Agate increases energy. However, because it is a grounding stone, it does not increase energy at all times, but rather enables bursts of energy as needed. In this way, agate is a conservation stone, and enhances longevity. Emotionally, agate gives courage, emotional strength, self-confidence, and dispels fears. It can also lessen feelings of envy by grounding the emotions. In the same way, it assists with acceptance of all things. It can be very beneficial for self-examination as well as examination of the circumstances one finds oneself in. These qualities make agate superior for easing anxiety and stress. Because of the harmonizing qualities of agate, and its emotional energies of removing and releasing resentments and bitterness, it is also considered by many to be an excellent stone for helping to heal and improve relationships. Agate can cleanse and stabilize the aura by removing and/or transforming negative energy. Many may be aware that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also wore an red agate(commonly known as Akheeq). Such is the power of a good grade of agate. At Elements Fengshui, we are proud that we stock some of the most exquisite agate pieces(Red Agate, Blue Lace and Gray Agate). Do drop by any of our five locations and have a look for yourself! You will be drawn to each and every piece! Dont tell us that we didnt warn you! Happy Saturday everyone!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 08:27:03 +0000

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