Prophecies, decrees, precepts and Conjectures dictated by the - TopicsExpress


Prophecies, decrees, precepts and Conjectures dictated by the Blessed Virgin, Jesus and God Almighty Triune to my Mexican soul. ✤ .. ¸. ✤. ¸ ¸ ✤ Love is given , it is real and submissive to God. Who owns him is love and gives proof of his fidelity with actions to recognize its presence in the World. Sunday January 26, 2014 . Sagrario and 4:30 p.m. Mass Children dear to my heart ! The vicissitudes of life make the heart of many souls suffer, go out and leave my presence. These souls are not suffering much from me abundant light because his heart does not allow my presence to dwell in them . The light really brings me. Is that Im alive and always present in the world. The recognition of my presence to identify those who are mine. Those souls who have recognized my voice is because I live in them. More pain however mine off presence in those souls suffering for their faith weakens. When faith makes big is because they have realized that living and that the suffering souls consolation. Console the souls is something I always do but that the provision is not good to me and many ignored my presence. Understand that I love my children , I condole with them, helps improve your vision to me. I know how much suffering souls. I suffer from them too. The trials of life make faith is strengthened because without them the world would not appreciate the importance of being loved by me . I come to all souls, give them my love and I love them participate in many ways. But the importance of acknowledging my presence in their lives off them for they know that my love brings blessing . Those souls that open to the bonds of fraternal love weaken the evil in them because they allow them to breath love , heal them , hold them and pet them strong . The love that I give I transmit through the souls that open to my presence. Many perceive my presence in many ways. Some give you fear , but that fear feeds the soul , it allows you to recognize that Im alive and that weakens the sin in them . Because who is afraid of me because they know well that life is lost if not honor my name I give lessons . In other showed me through condoliéndome souls and giving them support that brotherly love brings love and allows me to witness that I am alive and I suffer for my children. When the soul has been recognized with the simplicity that make them inviting exhortations to pursue that dream and to relieve the souls through me is because they dwell. But charity requires total surrender where souls can appreciate a good God who rewards love through others. It is also worthwhile to my understanding that the souls living presence is manifested through paráclita infusion. When the soul is united to me by the Holy Spirit it receives many gifts . Through them I give my active presence in the town . This means that I move through them providing them with manifest signs suggesting that Im understanding this . The perception of my vivid will recognize the presence of a God who speaks to his people , communicate with him and strengthened communion with signs showing my presence there . These signs weaken the evils in the world because I teach my children how to behave and learn to live in communion with me. The gifts are many, however it is essential that they know they produce fruits of wisdom and constant blessing. The fruits are many but the most important is love. The love that is given to me endures forever. I manifest through the gifts and charisms that make it easy communion. I identify with them in the world through overt signs . These are : healing, prophecy , science , languages, recognition of spirits by which they are released , messages from me through interior locutions , vision and other present signs that manifest through this paráclita infusion I stopped and I said that by the laying on of hands to receive . However disregard all these gifts has caused many refuse me through them . The word speech, transcribed in the Scriptures , where the imposition of hands I made manifest in the world through My Holy Spirit is revealed . These signs weaken the existing evil because they bring light, truth and produce fruits of conversion in souls. When preached that the Holy Spirit would among you is because I wanted to stay alive and be present even though my body was gone . I am God, I live in submissive souls. I hold the light with my hands and give plenty of love for souls . With that participated salvezza love , because love breaks all ties with the enemy. When hatred is rooted in the souls is because they have lost that attitude . Love is what makes the docile soul, tightly hold of me and lets recognize a living God who dwells in the World . However the common struggle begets hatred, divisions , rivalries has made its not seen in the world as a living God. The pain existing in the world today is due to the lack of a good God who loves each other and you want your town does not suffer. The wars , divisions and opportunism have weakened communion with me. Faith is lost because they know that I do not give pain. Pain is present in the world and is the result of sin, leave my presence and existing apostasy. Today I say : who makes true to me is coated my presence is strengthened by the love I give and do not hear lies. God is not divided. His kingdom is one that participates only benign things and gives salvezza . Is love the mystical presence of Christ. Because hatred is one that represents the devil. So I ask you to give love and express that I live in the souls who are led by me . Open yourself to the love I give . Preach that come quickly and to be prepared to receive me. Because I refuse souls will be lost forever . When you know that I m alive in the world and I move in I will not deny more souls . It is essential that you strive to proclaim the teachings I give . Weaken the devil giving sustenance to the truth than I am. So I say love is manifested in the souls through me. Those who have recognized this teaching is because I live in it. I love them. Be guided by me . amen Jesus Divine Mercy My angels ! Love is given , it is real and submissive to God. Who owns him is love and gives proof of his fidelity with actions to recognize its presence in the World . Today brings more teaching to understand the union that participates salvation. That union must be accompanied by a fair preaching that leads to recognize my Son who lives and is always present in you leaving signs of his love through the souls that are offered to him and obey him . Obedience and servility are needed to testify to his love. So I call upon you to be guided by him and allow the Holy Spirit abiding in you . That union produced fruits weakens because the devil can not stand light . Light and truth are sure path to God. I leave saying that strive attending daily Mass, praying and allowing us to guide them to the presence of my son. I will cleanse and fill it with virtues that make them amenable to my Son. Let me guide you with this particular bond between us to break the evil of the world. Indispensable is to say that the Rosary pray it strengthens the binding and the production of abundant health in souls. Conduélanse of those who suffer and bear witness to their deeds. I love you and ask you to join early in the Legion of Mary Immaculate will be approved soon. The union weakens the devil and produces abundant graces in the World . The reality is coming. The souls will recognize that my son lives and that His kingdom is forever. amen Sata Mary of the Immaculate Heart John 16 33 I tell you this so you find peace in your marriage with me. In the world you will have trouble , but take courage, I have overcome the world. Psalm 34 18 (19 ) The Lord is near to save those who have a broken heart and have lost hope. James 1 12 Blessed is the man who endures trial with fortitude , because the approved leave will win the life that is the crown that God has promised to those who love him. Mark 4 Jesus explains the parable of the sower 13 He said, Do not you understand this parable? How, then , read all the others? 14 He who sows the seed represents the advertising message . 15 Some people are like the seed that fell on the road , hear the message, but after hearing Satan comes and takes away the message sown in his heart . 16 Others, like seed sown among the rocks , hear the message and receive it with pleasure , 17 but since they have no root , not adamant , so when because of the message or persecution , lose faith . 18 Others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the message, 19 but this business too concerned about life , love for wealth deceives , and would possess all things. All this goes into them , and stifles the message and not let it bear fruit. 20 But there are others who hear the message and accept it, and give it a good harvest, like seed sown on good soil . Of those, some render thirty , another sixty , and another a hundred. Psalm 46 46 (2 ) God is our refuge and strength ; our help in trouble . 2 (3) Therefore we will not fear , although the earth is shaken , though the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, 3 (4) although the sea roar and be troubled waves , though the mountains shake because of his anger. Isaiah 41 10 Do not be afraid , for I am with you ; Fear not, for I am your God. I will strengthen you , I will help you , I will uphold you with my righteous right hand . 1 John 4 1. Love sign of our communion with God 7 Beloved, let us love one another , for love comes from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God . 8 Whoever does not love does not know God , because God is love . 9 God showed his love for us by sending his only Son into the world that we might live through him. 10 In this is love : not that we loved God , but that He loved us and sent his Son, that he offered in sacrifice, our sins remain forgiven. proverbs 14 16 A wise man fears and departs from evil he , a fool but nothing seems to matter . 26 Honoring the Lord is a strong hope giving security for children. 27 Honoring the Lord is the source of life ridding the snares of death . proverbs 8 10 instead of silver and pure gold acquire education and knowledge. 11 It more wisdom than rubies; Nothing you desire can compare with her ! 12 I, wisdom , dwell with intelligence , and know how to find the best advice. 13 Honoring the Lord is to hate evil . I hate pride and arrogance , astray and lies. 14 In me are the plan and its implementation, I am the wisdom and strength. 18 I give riches and honor , great honor and prosperity. 20 I m on the right path , in the paths of righteousness. 21 People who love me give them their share : home full of treasures. 22 The Lord created me at the beginning of his work, before he began to create everything . 23 I was formed in the beginning of time , before he created the earth. 33 Listen to the instruction ; not reject wisdom. 34 Happy is he who listens to me , and day after day remains vigilant the doors of my house . 35 For to me find me find life is and gain the good will of the Lord ; 36 but away from me is to put life in danger; Hate me is to love death! Acts 2 35 have always taught that one should work well and help those in need , remembering the words the Lord Jesus: It is more blessed to give than to receive. 1 John 2 10 Whoever loves his brother lives in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling . 11 But he who hates his brother lives and walks in darkness , and knoweth not whither he goeth, because the darkness has blinded him . Galatians 5 22 But what the Spirit produces love, joy , peace, patience , kindness, goodness , faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control . Against such things there is no law. 1 Corinthians 12 Diversity and unity of the gifts 4 There are different gifts in the church , but the same Spirit gives . 5 There are different kinds of service, but all commissioned by the same Lord. 6 And there are different manifestations of power , but the same God, who , with his power , he does all in all. 7 For God gives everyone some evidence for the presence of the Spirit for the common good . 8 Through the Spirit , just gives them to speak with wisdom and others by the same Spirit gives them utterance with deep conocimiento.9 Some receive faith by the same Spirit , and others receive the gift of healing the sick . 10 Some receive power to do miracles , and others have the gift of prophecy. A few , God gives them the ability to distinguish between true and false spirits Spirit , and others the ability to speak in tongues , and yet another gives them the ability to interpret what was said in those languages. 11 All these are the work of his power one and the same Spirit , giving each person what he seems better . 12 human body , but consists of many members, is one body. So Christ . 13 And in the same way , all of us , whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free, have been baptized into one body by one Spirit , and were all made to drink of the same Spirit. 27 Well, you are the body of Christ and each of you is an individual with their particular function . 28 God wanted the church is , first apostles, second prophets , third teachers, then miracles people , and others heal the sick, or help , or directing , or speak in tongues. 29 Not all are apostles , and not all are prophets . Not all are teachers, not all miracles, 30 not all have the power to heal the sick . Nor do all speak with tongues, and everyone knows interpret . 31 You should covet the best gifts. Mark 16 15 And he said to them, Go into all the world and preach the good news to all . 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe : In My name they will cast out demons, speak with new tongues ; 18 They shall take up serpents and if they drink anything poisonous, it will not hurt them , plus they will lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. » Mark 3 24 A country divided into enemy camps , can not be maintained ; 25 and a divided family , can not be maintained. Santiago 4 5 For some it is written: God loves the spirit that jealously has placed within us. 6 But God helps us with his goodness , as the Scripture says, God opposes the proud but treated with kindness to humble. 7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you . 8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners ! Purify your hearts , you who want to love God and the world at once! 9Aflíjanse , weep and wail ! Let your laughter be turned to tears and your joy to gloom ! 10 Humble yourselves before the Lord , and he will exalt . ✤ ✤ ✤ Dominus es vivus
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 05:09:04 +0000

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