Prophecy Update, 18 Jan 2015 admin January 18, 2015 Bible - TopicsExpress


Prophecy Update, 18 Jan 2015 admin January 18, 2015 Bible Studies 4 Comments Daily News: Jan 2015 UPDATED 13:00 EST Contrary to initial reports Israel did attack Hezbollah and not the al Nusrah Front. BREAKING NEWS 12:00 EST: Jihad Mughniyeh, Hezbollah’s commander of the Syrian Golan sector and the son of Imad Mughniyah, was killed in an Israeli attack Sunday, along with four others. Hezbollah is calling this an unbearable blow and given the Hezbollah warnings of recent days this is potentially a very dangerous turn of events. Uncharacteristically Israel is admitting the attack as if daring Hezbollah to respond and begin war in the north. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Today’s post will update on the looming world crisis. Tomorrow I plan to continue with my critique of the COGWA calendar letter. There are about 5,500 words left in the letter which I hope to complete in two more posts; then the two page COGWA Doctrinal Committee response, which primarily consists of an endorsement of the letter I have been critiquing. I may decide to do a Conclusion post or may not. The COGWA Calendar issue should be put to bed in another three or four posts. I then plan to continue the Matthew study. Because of the Calendar distraction and the very slow deliberate and thorough approach to the Matthew study, I am way behind schedule for completing all of the Gospels before Passover. Therefore in order to study John before Passover and then do some studies on Passover, I am rescheduling Mark and Luke for after Passover. UCG NEWS: For those who did not fully understand the meaning of the UCG child education announcement carried here Local Elder Response to The Henderson Paper: Part 6 They have been writing a child education curriculum for some time and officially launched the program during the 2014 fall Feast in October. They are basing this new concept on the teaching of Deu 6 to diligently teach the whole Word of God to our children, and trapping the brethren by this stratagem. They will not be teaching the Words of God but their new evangelical take on the scriptures. The curriculum consists of their new subtly rewritten teachings and approach, which parents are being required to teach their children; and which of course the parents will also learn through teaching it. The Procedure •Parents receive the monthly Family Guide at the first of the month. They review the lesson, then begin their studies from the suggested resources, considering what and how to relay the lesson to their children. •Mid-month all of the youth meet with an instructor/facilitator for a short check-in to discuss family learning so far and emphasize the direction of the lesson (a “Compass Check”). •At the end of the month, [the elders will] have the Summary Lesson, which is intended to review and reinforce the children’s learning and add more depth to their learning. It is not meant to teach the lesson, but to glean from the kids what they have been taught at home, and to add some additional insight into the lesson. All will be required to follow the UCG curriculum as they write it and without regard to other scriptures. The parents will be checked up on, by the elders, that they are teaching what UCG tells them to teach without proving those teachings by the scriptures. The end result is that UCG is replacing the parents as the chief teachers of the children; and their word is replacing the Word of God. In effect they have recruited the parents to teach their new take on doctrine. Yes, they will quote scripture but with an evangelical twist. Now it will be “We are to keep the commandments, BUT we are weak and if we fail that is all right, because Jesus has already paid the penalty for us;” and the “Primacy of Peter” “God has placed the ‘church’ in authority, and you must follow us because we are God’s chosen, only we can understand the scriptures so do as we say.” Great World Crisis Approaches Threads 1. The anti Islamic Extremist bombings are ramping up along with the propaganda, and preparations are well under way for a full scale ground war to destroy the Extremists. 2. The Islamic State is not about to go down without striking Israel, probably from Gaza; thereby igniting another round between Gaza and Israel. 3. That Israeli war will escalate to include Hezbollah / Syria and with the extremists defeated and the remaining strength of Assad broken by Israel, the American backed anti Assad people will be in a position to take over Syria. 4. Iran is bound by treaty and will likely be attacked by the Allies in defense of Israel, bringing regime change to that nation. 5. Israel elections are called for Mar 17 and the peace parties are already ahead in the polls. The elections could be postponed on account of war, or the war could take place in the 30-45 days it would take to form a new government after the elections. 6. These events will reset the regional conditions for a genuine peace deal as per 1 Thess 5:3; with peace and safety being achieved and declared, very probably by the end of 2016. 7. The American economic attack on Russia is having a serious effect on the Euro. In response to the EU following America in imposing sanctions. Russia has now canceled energy transshipment across Ukraine and has told Europe to develop the infrastructure to import energy via Turkey at its own expanse. 8. Ukraine has been building up its military for a massive spring attack on its Russian speaking citizens in its eastern provinces. The timing of this in coordination with events in the Middle East is not lost on Russia. 9. In response to Ukraine threats, Russia is also building up its forces, and has vowed to enter Ukraine to prevent a blood bath of Russian speakers. 10. Besides the military crisis, a very serious economic crisis is in the offing. These wars and the financial crisis; are intended to bring in a New World Order. Forcing a New Financial Order no longer dependent on the dollar; and scaring people into giving up more national sovereignty to International Institutions. Conclusion This is all part of a carefully choreographed Satanic plan towards one world government. Almighty God will not allow Satan’s plan to break scripture and succeed! The tribulation will not begin until the Appalling Abomination of this miracle working Man of Sin is set up, and brings a New Europe to life; then goes to the Temple Mount as “peace and safety is declared! This crisis is NOT the great tribulation! The Word of God will prevail! Therefore Satan in his wrath will rise up to make war against God in heaven. Rev 12:7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, 8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. 9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. 10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. 12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. 13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child. 14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. The great falling away into Laodicea, came a long time ago when HWA apostatized into the “Primacy of Peter” abomination. When Satan is cast down, the miracle working man of sin will be set up and will bring the New Europe to life, and then he will go to the Holy Mount and the tribulation will begin; very probably at the end of 2016. Do not be afraid; stand upon and trust the Word of the LORD God Eternal! Run to his arms and open the door to him, as he stands knocking; embrace your espoused Husband in the passionate embrace of deep whole hearted love. A love great enough that we want to please him and keep his words with our whole heart and being. For the rest of today’s post please go to and re study the Song of Solomon about the deep passionate love between Christ and his true chosen bride. The Song of Songs and the Feast of Unleavened Bread
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 23:30:54 +0000

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