Prophet Mohammed (sws) has Said. 1: Say ‘Bismillah’ before - TopicsExpress


Prophet Mohammed (sws) has Said. 1: Say ‘Bismillah’ before Eating. (Without this a disbeliever eats for seven amaa (intestines) and with this a believer eats for one.) 2: Eat and drink with your right hand. 3: Use minimum fingers and small morsels while eating. 4: Avoid unnecessary noises while chewing. 5: Eat to fill 1/3rd of stomach with food 1/3rd of it with water and leave 1/3rd for air. Do not overeat. 6: Do not express your disapproval or dislike of certain foods. Either eat it or pass it over quietly. 7: Eat those dishes first that are near your reach. 8:Have decent and humble conversations while eating. 9: Say ‘Alhmadullilah’After eating. 10: Do not eat using golden or silver plates or cutlery.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:48:53 +0000

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