Prophetic Message – September 09, 2013 A time of awakening is - TopicsExpress


Prophetic Message – September 09, 2013 A time of awakening is at hand. Yet, so many hearts are hardened and far from me sayeth I, the Lord of Hosts. Time is short, days are few where all shall see catastrophes globally. The gift of discernment, I have freely given unto all. Though many are blinded by the lies of man. Raise up my children, do not look at the natural, but the supernatural. I, Jehovah say the area they are delivering to with supplies on hand will not be a place destroyed. Yet a safe place. Do not be fooled. Why would food, water, medical aide be provided if a place is to be destroyed? No! Be wise, search deeper within. Pray out to Me for wisdom and I shall grant it upon you. Yes, war will ensue. Great war! The land, the land oh America is an open wound. I the God of of Abraham have poured down healing and it has been rejected. The Holy Spirit has been rejected in family homes, churches and upon the streets. I have shaken the earth and the warnings are ignored. Write these words oh child as I Jehovah speak forth. Fires shall consume your cities, your crops will be no more. Increase in animal deaths due to airborne viruses, that no man shall cure. Division and discord as never before seen. Churches shall fall. Woe unto you Priests who teach a false doctrine in My name the Great I AM. Your decorated halls shall crumble before your eyes. To be no more. Civil unrest will be upon the people as they scatter for food. Fear and confusion will consume those who are not firmly grounded in Me, the God of Jacob. As war breaks out in the middle east look upon your doorstep America. For there is trickery in your leaders to rise up against my Holy Land, Israel. Deception has already befallen upon them. They gather in meetings, their ears are deafened by the father of lies. My children prepare for the battle. Prepare now. You shall see disasters one after another, do not be moved. The time has come – cleanse yourselves of all unholy acts. Repent of all sins. Do not hold back. Seek my face this day. No time for idleness, pray for all. Pray! The battle in the heaven-lies has been ongoing and shortly will be poured down onto the lands. Take refuge in Me Oh saints! Obey Me, Jehovah. Cleanse all unrighteousness, lies and deceit. Every bitter root within you, cast it down through the power in the name of My son Jesus. I see, I hear, lying lips everywhere. Stop I say for liars with devious plans will not be entering my Kingdom. Time of preparation is over. You must be doers of the Holy Word. Reap in the harvest now. I see family members of ones household filled with unbelief, as the believer in the same household turns their cheek. Hard work and labor is at hand. Do all and when you have done all, stand firm on the foundation of the Holy Scriptures. I speak forth this day, what you shall witness, do not be shocked nor moved. For it has been written and it shall come to pass. Your leader oh America shall fall. Yet he knows his destiny and fears not for he serves satan. As do many who govern the land. United States, your government shall fall – will be overtaken. Evil plans that have been planned long ago are coming into fruition. Yes, death shall be surmounting. Streets filled with the stench of death. Those who have turned their backs and mocked I, Jehovah, will be weeping and begging for mercy. It shall not be found. Indiana, keep a watchful eye. For explosions will engulf your area. Movement of military done in secret. Traveling to the northern border so no one may enter in or leave. So shall it be on all borders of the United States of America. Firmly secure your anchor in your faith. For this will be your sustaining wind. Though ye many will perish in the days to come. Yes loved ones who have turned a blind eye. Be wise my children to what you hear. The lies presented are overflowing the cup the evil ones drink of. When you hear oh disaster will strike here – it is false I say. Keep wide awake, sober and diligent. The enemy is prowling around to devour those whose faith is weak. Strengthen your armor now. Montana, there is no safe zone. Do not be deceived. For those in power know all and will destroy. Oh don’t you see America, don’t you see? The sins committed are now turning against you. Yet you still do not believe. I, Jehovah, my hand is removed. Protection is no more for those who have walked in evil. Those who say no judgment shall be cast upon this great land, you are fools. Desiring a great escape as your fellow brothers and sisters suffer. Selfishness has no place in Me. My back is turned on those who have hoarded your materialism and money. Not helping the poor. You shall reap what you sow. I the God of Israel give these warnings this day for perilous times are approaching. Those who have stored water, share with your neighbor. What you give unto others shall be given unto you, I seek a heart of giving, not greed! Those who have came in My Name, yet have caused your fellow man or woman to stumble - a heap of coals shall be upon your heads. I despise those who abuse those who are unfortunate and in need. You shall see my anger upon you. You shall not escape. Tennessee prepare, for the rocks will crumble. The ground shall sink. Georgia, massive craters shall be befallen upon your homes, your land. The beach fronts of Florida, touch the sand no more. For poison has seeped into the oceans spreading up into the sands. Terrible infections of the skin with no cure. Louisiana, the massive hole of waters will triple in size. Collapsing nature and homes in its path. Radiation is seeping directly under the earth. Soon your state will be no more. Colorado, Arizona – rainfalls will overtake you, mud slides will sweep away your earthly possessions. New York City, where the tower of evil stands. A battle will be upon you. Not one of flesh, but of spirit. The souls mourn for the evil that is erected tall, crowned with the hand of satan. Plant explosions, bridges collapsing, earth separating will be found to the east, to the west, to the north, to the south. I the God Almighty throw down hailstones the size of boulders. I am entering your land oh America for your mockery, your sins, your detestable acts seen by all men. The mockery of my saints will be no more. As your military rises up, the heavenly army rises too. Who can fight Me the Great I AM? None I say! Repent, repent oh America for your time of trial is at hand. Your man made shelter shall be destroyed by my Mighty Breath. The warring angels have been stationed. My sword of judgment is swift. Those who have firmly rooted their hearts, their spirits in the One True Living God, shall find safety in the days ahead. Stay pure before me always. Place the blood of the Lamb above your doorways, cry out to me Abba Father, I shall hear you, shall spare you against the evil schemes. Do not be swayed nor step into fear for what you shall see. As it is written, is to be. Woe unto you when found on that day in your wicked sins. Mercy shall not be found. Transcribed message from Jehovah delivered to ByHisGraceChannel Ministry on YouTube. Ministry site HeedTheMessage
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 23:22:12 +0000

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