Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States - TopicsExpress


Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution: “Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States”. The 16th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed. Congress may collect no revenue by any means other than a flat individual income tax not to exceed 15% of an individuals earnings, a flat corporate tax not to exceed 10% of net revenues, and actual user fees for services. All citizens and businesses shall be taxed at the same rate, and no exceptions, exemptions or credits will be allowed. Any budget passed by the Congress must be funded by actual revenues collected through taxes as described above. Except in time of War as defined below, no deficit spending, borrowing on future funds, borrowing from other entities or other mechanism to meet budget requirements will be allowed. For purposes of this section, “War” shall be defined as hostilities declared by the President of the United States in his Constitutional role as Commander-in-Chief, and duly authorized by the Congress under the terms of the “War Powers Act” of 1973. Any funds borrowed shall be used exclusively for executing that War and shall be re-paid entirely no later than 15 years from the end of the War. All agencies, programs, entitlements and other devices that will be excised by budgetary requirements will be returned to the responsibility of the individual States. No federal regulations or legislation will dictate how the States fund or execute such devices. The Congress may not make State eligibility for redistribution of revenue contingent on compliance with regulations or legislation that has the effect of a nationally uniform standard. Those areas of federal responsibility prescribed by the original Constitution will have budgetary priority. No bill will be passed that funds any other concern without first meeting the budgetary requirements of these areas. No funding will be included in the budget for a concern that is the responsibility of and reserved to the States. Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution is hereby amended to read as follows: “To regulate commerce with foreign nations and with the Indian tribes” Finally some sense is being brought forward by the people of the United States to address our out of control government. Our country started this slide downhill when it was decided somewhere that the government was responsible for protecting us from ourselves! The Constitution was put in place to protect us from our government! What happened to the freedom of choice, the freedom to live life free from tyranny, the freedom to pursue happiness, the right to privacy? Our government just created history by passing a massive health bill that over 70% of people do not want! Why? Because we have legislators that believe it is the responsibility of government to take care of everything, We have too many illegal immigrants in our country, we have unions and lobbyists paying for legislators and because the government wants to be able to tell you what to eat, what to learn, what to drive, how to work and what to think. Control We are over regulated, over taxed and overwhelmed by the choices our legislators make and put into law and they are not affected by those laws! Our legislators are in the business of lining their pockets, living the high life and retiring rich men and women with free health care and pensions for life! All the time they are not paying into social security, not paying taxes and telling us we have to pay for the illegal immigrants and poor that are paid to have children and not to work while they themselves are exempt! While they continually vote themselves raises in one of the worst times since the Great Depression! Because they lack real leadership! They lack the leadership to address illegal immigration and our borders; they lack the leadership to require anyone receiving government assistance to be drug tested, they lack the leadership to declare English the official language of the United States, they lack the leadership to keep jobs here! We must pay? isn’t it time they did too! let’s take back America! Vote out all incumbents and let’s get some new legislators that are not in the business of government! I do not believe in term limits and I am glad the Tea Party Movement has been so strong. It’s time people woke up and realized what government is doing and make a choice to vote! Vote them out! Make a difference! don’t vote for any candidate that does not support these ideals. Send this website to all your friends and get them to send it to their friends! The idea is to push our legislators into creating and passing the 28th amendment for the welfare of the Unites States of America! Write your Senators and Congressman and let them know you support these ideals. Ask them to support them too.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 22:29:48 +0000

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