Proposed School: D-RATU INCORPORATED BACKGROUND Our aging world - TopicsExpress


Proposed School: D-RATU INCORPORATED BACKGROUND Our aging world today is growing with compound complex of problems that are affecting our society fabric. Most besides, the Liberian ended war broke down the educational system. What can be described as unlearned learning has engulfed the nation thou affecting the Liberian society. Out of every hundred persons about 75% may be faced with situations that are effecting/ destroying their minds and it has resulted to girls and boys engaging in dangerous acts that have the propensities to abort their futures. Parents are unable to provide adequate supports to their children and as the result more kids/under aged children get on the streets to make livings on their own. Not only, that following the Liberian civil war, was more harms created which requires healing of our nation in many dimensions. It against this background the proposed D-RATU, INCORPORATED will be established to add unto the efforts of other all well meaning Liberian provide quality education trainings and job opportunities for people of all ages. The organization will a be non- governmental to do both profit and non profit business. Below reads our activities: Operate school Renting of chairs and providing catering services Running a Scholarship Foundation for the needy MISSION D-RATU, INCORPORATED will be committed to creating opportunities through education, jobs, and supporting individual for positive imparts. Vision Contribute to the learning environment of all humans to have proper understanding to quality education, have equal opportunities to realize their potentials. Value The core of value for the D-Ratu Incorporated shall include: • Human values above all • Involvement of communities • Government participation • Accountability • Promote quality education and encourage learning • Encourage innovation • Promote our partners Goals Encourage living standard through educational capacity building and empowerment. Provide resource center for research. Rights advocacy for all Alleviate extreme poverty by providing opportunities through education Organizing Trainings How D-RATU, INCORPORATED We be funded ? The organization is both non-governmental and non- profiting organization and so it socialite fund from good will individual and philanthropic organizations. Primarily it is funded by Mr. &Mrs. David T. V. Patterson who are the founders of the Organization. We work and 50% of our income is what we are using to get started. Presently, we are trying to get the school to be named D-RATU CHRISTIAN ACADEMY –D.C.A. ABOUT THE FOUNDERS AND THE O0RGANIZATION Mr. & Mrs. David T. V. Patterson and proposed School Logo Mr. & Mrs. Patterson are Christians; Liberian by nationality and living in the Liberian capital Monrovia. They are members of the Greater Works Ministries. Mr. Patterson serves as Assistance Pastor and Membership Head for the Greater Works Ministries. Pastor David T.V. Patterson, Jr. is the founder of the Christian In Education Network under the Greater Works Ministries. Mr. David T.V. Patterson, Jr. is a social worker who had worked with non governmental organizations particularly the media. Mr. Patterson joined the Liberian media in 2004 as Cope Reporter at the Vanguard New that is now The Monitor News paper. Due to his commitment, he latter become an independent Reporter. Not only that, Mr. Patterson worked with several News paper institutions including: The Nation Times Paper, The Parrot News Paper and Punch News paper. Other media groups include: The Human Rights and the Judicial Reporter Network, JURN of which he is a founding member. Mr. Patterson is a student of the University of Liberia reading Sociology and minor in Management. He holds a diploma from the Monrovia Bible Training Center M.B.T.C in pastoral and leadership and many certificates in several courses. Ramatu Watson Patterson serves the Youth as Vice President and member of the Women Department of the Greater Works Ministries. She operates in the ministry of help. In the private sector, she is a Caterer. The both got married May 26, 2012.Following our wedding, the pondering question was what can we do to impart our world? Since we are part of a church that we love it, the answer was let us establishing a group to contribute to humanity. BELOW IS THE PROPOSE ATITCLES OF INCORATION REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA) MONSTERRADO COUNTY) ATITCLES OF INCORATION OF D-RATU, INCORPORATED WE, THE UNDERSIGNED FOR THE purpose of forming a corporation pursuant to the Liberian corporation law of 1976 hereby make, subscribed, acknowledge and file in the office of the Minister of Affair of the Republic of Liberia, these Article of Incorporation and in so doing certify as fellow: ARTICLE I: NAME The name of the Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as the “CORPORATION’’) shall be known as: D-RATU, INCOPORATED. ARTICLE II:OBJECTIVES The general purpose for which the D-Ratu, Incorporated is organized to engage in all lawful acts or activities as business organization may now or hereafter be organized under the Association laws of Liberia of 1976 and engage in those lawful acts or activities for which it is established and incorporated in its jurdiction or original incorporated as outline incorporation shall include but not limited to the followings: To organize, educate and operate the D-Ratu Christian Academy (D.C.A) and any other educational activities as may be deemed necessary by the Board of Directors and incorporation. To develop programs and strategies to educate and establish the schools around Liberia and other parts of the country. To utilize best educating practices and professionalism in ensuring that the school (D-Ratu Christian Academy is most representative of educational institution that are needed for the Liberian people. To do any and all acts and everything necessary, suitable and proper for the accomplishment of any of the purpose of the objective and furtherance of any of the power herein set forth, either along or in company with other or individual in accordance with corporation Act and the corporation law of Liberia. ARTICLE III HEADQUARTERS The Principle Headquarters of the corporation shall be Chue-gborn Monrovia Montserrado county Republic of Liberia P.O.Box___ and shall maintain principle office in Monrovia with branches throughout the political subdivisions of the Republic. REGISTERE AGENT The name of the Registered Agent at such address upon whom notices information or precept shall be served is: Pastor David T.V. Patterson, Jr. with the statutory Registered Agent being the Minister of Affairs in accordance with section 3.2 of the Association law of the Republic of Liberia 1976. Article IV BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Number of Board of Director SHALL be fixed or in the manner provided By-Laws subject to the provision of the corporation Act, shall consist of not less then ___ members who shall be selected by the shareholders and incorporator and qualify them into the office in accordance with corporation constitution. The names, positions and addresses of the initial Board of directors of the Association are as fellow: Names Positions Addresses Mr. Trokon R. Mcgee Chairmam Chue-gborn, Old Road Pst. David T. V. Patterson, Jr. Member Chue-gborn, Old Road Mr. Ramatu Patterson Member Chue-gborn, Old, Road Pst. David S. Morris ‘’ Chue-gborn,Old Road Mr.Z. Aaron O. Geego,jr. ‘’ Gaye Town Mr. Moses Peters ‘’ Capital By- pass Mr. Jacob Monyou ‘’ Gaye Town ARTICLE VI INCORPORATER The name and mailing addresses of the Article of Incorporator are: Name Addresses Pst. David T.V. Patterson, Jr. Chue-gborn, Old Road Mrs. Ramatu Patterson Chue-gborn, Old Road ARTICLE VII SHARHOLDER The maximum number of share of stock that the cooperation is authorized to issue and have outstanding at any is 250( Two Hundred fifty) share of common stork no par value. The subscribers to the cooperation shares as fellows. Name: NO. OF SHARE Pst &Mrs. David T.V. Patterson, Jr. 35% Anyone to buy share 15% Outstanding 55% ARTICLE VIII CORPORATE POWER The association shall have every power which a corporation, now and hereafter organized under the statutory provision cited supra may have, including but not limited to the followings: a) Sue and be sued, or plead and be impaled in any court of competent ant Jurisdiction. b) Receive property by device or bequest or other wise acquire and hold properties, or real and personal, including shares of stock, bond and securities. c) Act as trustee under any trust incidental to the principle objective of the corperation and receive, hold, administer and expend funds and property object to trust. d) Convey exchange, lease , mortgage, encumber, transfer upon trust or otherwise dispose of property, real or personal e) Borrow money , contract bebts and issue bonds notes and debentures and secure the payment of performance of its obligation; and f) Do all other acts necessary or expedient for the administration of the affairs attainment of the purpose of corporation. ARTICLE IX: AMENDMENT The corporation reserved the right to amend, alter, change or repeal any provision contained in its certificate of incorporation in the manner now or hereafter proscribed by the Liberian Corporation law and right conferred upon shareholder herein are granted subjected to this reservation.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 21:36:18 +0000

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