Pros and Cons of Shiism #10 :- Features of Shias Mahdi #2 - TopicsExpress


Pros and Cons of Shiism #10 :- Features of Shias Mahdi #2 :- Shias Mahdi is also their 12th imam which is going to come (shias say) , Lets analyse from the following points weather Shias 12th IMAM is MAHDI or DAJJAL :- 18 . Shias Mahdi will persecute the SUNNI MUSLIMS : When Qa’im (Shia refer to their Mahdi as Al-Qa’im) appears, they (the Shia) will bring every Nasib (a term used by Shia to refer to Sunnis) to him (Shia’s Mahdi). If he (the Nasib) accepts Islam, and it is recognition of Al-Wilaya (meaning Imam Ali is Representative of God), he will be freed; otherwise his head will be cut off. Alternatively, if he accepts jizyah (penalty tax), he will be required to pay as a Zhimmi (Zhimmi is a status given by Islam to Christians & Jews).. ( Baqir Al-Majlisi’s Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 52, page 373 and Furat ibn Ibrahim’s Tafseer , page 100) According to Shia’s book, Baqir Al-Majlisi’s Haq Al-Yaqeen, page 527, Imam Mahdi will kill all Sunni Scholars: “They (Sunnis) may marry from us and inherit from us until the Mahdi emerges. He starts by killing the scholars of the Sunnis and then ordinary Sunnis.” According to Shia’s book, Al-Kulaini’s Al-Rawdah min al-Kafi, Vol. 8, page 160, The Sunnis who do not accept his teachings of Shiism will be beheaded.In a narration attributed to Imam Abu Abdullah [a.s.], (Shia’s 6th Imams), he says: “As mankind realize what is going to be done by Al-Qaim (Shia’s Mahdi) when he appears, most people will prefer not to see him because of the killings he will do to mankind, it makes most mankind say: He is not from the House of Muhammad, if he were from the House of Muhammad, he would certainly have compassion. ” (Also in Baqir Majlisi, Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 52, page 353) Sayid Sadr states: “Indeed, most the killings (by the Mahdi & his followers) that happen to mankind will be directed against the Muslims. Then, he (Shia’s Mahdi) will distribute a copy of his book (a new scripture, not the current Quran)...” (Sayyid Husein Al-Musawi, Li Allah Thumma Li Tarikh, p.137) “For those in our (Shia’s) State who differ with us, there is a punishment. God has made their blood Halal (permissible to be shed) when our Qa’im (Shia’s Mahdi) emerges.” ( Baqir Al-Majlisi’s Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 50, p. 373) The money of the Al-Nasib (the Sunni) is Halal (permissible to be stolen) and every thing he owns is Halal.” ( Al-Tusi, Tahzeeb Al-Ahkam, Vol. 2, p. 48 and Al-Hur Al-Amili, Wasil Al-Shia, Vol. 11, p.60) “Take the money (meaning by stealing or rip-off) of Al-Nasib (the Sunni) wherever you find it and pay to us Al-Khums (one fifth of the money).” (Al-Tusi, Tahzeeb Al-Ahkam, Vol. 1, p. 384, Ibn Idriss, Al-Sarair p. 484, and Al-Hur Al-Amili, Wasil Al-Shia, Vol. 340, p.6) 19 . Shias Imam Mahdi will be an Anti-Arab bigot who will massacre the Arabs : The following is some of what Shia books say their Mahdi’s massacres of the Arabs : “There will be nothing left between us and the Arabs, except slaughter.” (Baqir Al-Majlisi, Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 52, p. 349 and Al-Numani, Al-Ghaiba, p. 155) “Al-Muntazar (the Awaited One, meaning Shia’s Mahdi) will walk amongst the Arabs and kill them.” (Baqir Al-Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 52, p. 318) “Fear the Arabs because there will be very bad news for them, which is that none from amongst them will come out with Al-Qa’im (Shia’s Mahdi).” (Baqir Al-Majlisi, Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 52, p. 333, and Al-Numani, Al-Ghaiba, p. 254) This Shia narration is warning the Arabs of bad things that will happen to Arabs because none of the Arabs, including Shia Arabs, will follow the Mahdi. In a Shia narration attributed to Imam Abi Abdullah (Shia’s 6th Imam), he say: When the Qa’im (Shia’s Mahdi) from the family of Mohammad (peace be upon him) rises, he will resurrect five hundred from Quraish (dead people of Prophet Mohammads tribe) and cut off their necks, then another five hundred, until he does this (action) six times. (Al-Mufeed Al-Tusi, Al-Irshad) 20 . Shia believe Prophet Mohammad (p) will return and be the first person to pledge of allegiance to Shias Imam Mahdi : The first disciple to take a pledge of allegiance (bay’a) to him will be Prophet Mohammad ( Al-Majlisi, Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 52, p. 348) The Shia believe Prophet Mohammad (p.b.u.h.) and many of the early Muslims will come back to life at the End Times and they call this “Raj’ah” meaning the “Return”. 21 . Shia’s Mahdi was born before God created human being : According to Al-Majlisi’s Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 51, page 144, Shia’s Mahdi was born before God created human beings. (More features to be continued.)
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 18:22:19 +0000

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