Prospecting: Read the Signs I am convinced that beyond a - TopicsExpress


Prospecting: Read the Signs I am convinced that beyond a shadow of a doubt that the reason why there is such a low level of brotherhood & sisterhood within MCs today is because people didnt read the signs when they first started prospecting for their respective clubs in the first place (if they prospected at all). We have stressed that the period before you become a club member is so important yet we consistently see clubs who emphasize quantity over quality, a disregard for protocol because were not THAT kind of club and then when members who patched in on Monday are no longer doing what theyre supposed to do by Wednesday all because you didnt follow protocol. Let me try to break this down as easily as I can: The Issue: Members once they get into a club dont live up to what theyre supposed to be doing in the club and/or members drop their rags at the first sign of discord and are in a new club within a few weeks. How To Fix That: The issue is too many clubs are not placing the importance of the prospecting period in perspective with the full understanding of what that period calls for. If you put someone through the CORRECT prospecting protocols (correct being whatever time and duties your club has determined is sufficient to determine whether or not that member is club material). Any REAL club does the following: Hang-A-Long This period is for the prospective prospect to literally hang along just to see what the club is about in a very leisure manner. Theyre getting to know him, see how he rides, what he rides and get into non related club conversations. You feel each other out without ANY commitments whatsoever. The hang along doesnt even have to come out to anything and if he or she doesnt, thats already a sign. Its purely voluntary. Clubs want to skip over this period thinking that the prospecting period is what this is for but theyre wrong. Once someone becomes a prospect they are obligated to many duties and if they dont perform those duties they can be kicked out of the club. As a hang along that doesnt happen. Prospecting Now this is where the work happens. A prospect has to show that drive AND HUMILITY to be a full patch one day. Now the duties of the prospect and what your club makes him or her do is up to you and your club; no club is the same but there are certain things you should be looking at. -do they follow directions -are they humble -are they about TEAM (that will grow into brotherhood) -do they show up -whats their attitude about having to do something because if you have mandatory rides and functions, will this person even show up, give you excuses or will they show up with an attitude. You start to see all that here -how serious are they During this time the club NEEDS TO BE READING THE SIGNS. Look closely at this member and you guys should be discussing whether or not this person is club material. Patching this person in despite the warning signs will lead to a few things: -them NOT living up to what you need them to do -them probably dropping their colors shortly after joining -weakening your brotherhood with bullshit And, mind you the person prospecting should be using this time to evaluate the club as well to make sure that this is where they want to be. Look at how the club members treat each other. Are they respecting their brothers, are they truly showing love or are they talking behind each others backs? Not showing up? Not respecting their patch and club? Is that what you want in a brother and in a club? Read the signs people...
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 13:31:14 +0000

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