Prosperity! Removing the Barriers There is a Prosperity - TopicsExpress


Prosperity! Removing the Barriers There is a Prosperity Code in every person that, when activated, hands over the papers to our divine inheritance, free and clear. Embodying and radiating this code is more important than the current method of monetary exchange or any new system developed around it. A true and lasting shift to unlimited abundance for each of us will occur when this code is active and operating within the majority of members of our intimate soul grouping. No one can advance too far out in front, until the whole group is well on its way. This is one of the qualifications of our advancement into Unity Consciousness as deemed by evolutionary law. We are being initiated to no longer function singularly or with selfish pursuits. If we are engaged in self-seeking desire while proclaiming unity, our life is guaranteed to become increasingly challenging as the group transparency strengthens. This gives reason to why Planetary Light Servers, as a grouping, have not yet been gifted large sums of expected financial support for the bigger visions and projects. There has been more surrendering required of our separated identities and the polarized egoic holds. It seems, however, that we are now approaching readiness! We are going to enact one more REVIEW of some of the common hindrances to realizing the prosperous nature. Overcoming The Money Challenge The challenges with money are but the maya of the world. To the mind that truly knows, there is no such thing as lack and all situations of financial crises are illusions that come from human ideas and concepts. It is not money that is the problem. Any type of economic anguish is usually a dilemma of the distorted belief system. This often places us into emotional fog causing us to lose sight of what is really running the show. To lack anything in life is to be, first and foremost, without the knowledge of Divine Principle. There is still identification to the personality self. This causes blindness to the wellspring of abundance that exists for us, at all times. Selfish motive is at the root of all problems in our materialistic and greed based world today. Examine your Motives! We are encouraged to deeply look at, with commanding honesty, our motives for all that we are engaged. Are our motives coming from the highest expression of love and selflessness? If this makes you feel the least bit uncomfortable, or, if you are still struggling to make ends meet, it might be very beneficial to review some of the main deterrents to realizing the prosperous life. Right, it is not so fun to look at these things... although we must. Lets review this since we are soon to engage in a world transmission to seed the grid and humanitys higher mental body. Many of us would do well to hear it again. Self-Created Barriers to Realizing Prosperous Living Three of the greatest personality manipulators that keep us gridlocked in financial deficiency are: * Attachment to the Self Identity * Emotional Glamour * The Controlling Ego All of these are driven by identifying to the self as the controlling factor. It is when we can disengage completely from the binding hold of the personality that we can begin to experience upgraded levels of financial freedom. Most of our struggles in life are driven from the emoting bond to the SELF IDENTITY. When we realize the self as one with an all-pervading benevolent force, we gladly throw aside all self-preoccupation and live our lives according to the sustaining principles of the life divine. The reason why there is selfishness is because there is attachment to the human identity. We live life as a personality and not from the stability of the inner Presence that governs all of our manifestations, perfectly. To change this reality, everything that drives the attaching personality must be surrendered to allow the greater aspect of our nature to emerge as the guiding influence. During this next transmission, we are with intention to annihilate the remaining barriers that contribute to the experience of lack in our lives. This includes final dissolve of the remaining false perception that we attach to our personalitys identity and any perceived self-importance
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 19:31:01 +0000

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