Prosperity through the Finished Work of Christ EVERY GENUINE LOVER - TopicsExpress


Prosperity through the Finished Work of Christ EVERY GENUINE LOVER OF GOD IS A CANDIDATE FOR UNLIMITED PROSPERITY The next time you tithe, sow and give, forget about what you are trying to get out of it. Just focus on your act as an expression of pure love for God and for those you are giving to. The material world is only temporary and passing away, only the transformation of love remains when the physical becomes dust in the light of eternity (Matthew 6:19; James 4:14; 1 John 2;15). Take no thought for this earthly life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink (Matthew 6:25). Seek to grow in love with each act of tithing and giving rather than to grow in wealth. Forget all natural motivations for your tithing and giving and seek to experience the love of God in the heart each time you tithe and give (Romans 5:5; 2 Corinthians 9:7). Each experience of the release of money from our lives should be an experience of God’s love in you towards God and towards others. The greatest fear that people have is that if they do not have in mind a specific return (as a misconstrued form of faith exercise) that God will not bless them. Yet by doing so, they are holding themselves back from the more powerful and abundant New Testament gift of prosperity and only living in the OT laws of reception. Jesus assures us that the Father knows that we need all these things and that all these things shall be added to us (Matthew 6:32, 33). The question is whether you want to be like the rest of the Gentiles or be living the truly New Testament realm of the gift of prosperity (Matthew 6:32). The statement that we have to be blessed in order to bless is also not true in the New Testament (Genesis 12:1-3). In the New Testament you ARE ALREADY BLESSED IN CHRIST (Ephesians 1:3; Galatians 3:13-14). The key understanding in the difference between the New Testament gift of prosperity and the Old Testament works for prosperity are the following: 1. Jesus has sown the greatest seed faith for all our lives that will take us this life and the rest of eternity to keep enjoying the harvest of what He sown. Jesus became poor that we through His poverty might become rich (2 Corinthians 8:9). We don’t have to sow in order to receive, Jesus did it for us. We reap what Jesus sown! The New Testament grace of prosperity (gift of prosperity) is purely the reception and the action of this grace that Jesus has given to our lives. a) When the Macedonian churches tap on the grace of prosperity, they were able to give richly and abundantly beyond the natural limits of their poverty (2 Corinthians 8:1, 2). b) This abundance in grace has the power to create abundance in all things for every good work (2 Corinthians 9:8). c) It increases the fruit of righteousness and causes one to be enriched in everything (2 Corinthians 9:10-11). d) The supply for all our need is according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). These riches in glory are the riches of His grace through Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:3, 6, 7; 2:7). e) One may ask, why then should tithing and giving be practiced any longer in the New Testament? It is done not for material gain but as a way to release love and grace (Matthew 23:23; 2 Corinthians 8:1-2, 6-8, 24; 9:8; Romans 12:6-8; 1 Peter 4:10; 1 John 3:16-19).
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 14:25:23 +0000

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