Protecting Against Satanic Attack Are you dressed for battle - TopicsExpress


Protecting Against Satanic Attack Are you dressed for battle today? Read | Matthew 4:1-11 As soldiers in God’s army, we are engaged in spiritual warfare. To hold our ground, we must be arrayed in battle gear every day. Be sure your feet are shod with the gospel of peace. Roman military boots had metal cleats to help soldiers stand firm in battle. Similarly, our spiritual “shoes” provide the solid footing of assurance—the certainty that we have peace with God and are safe in Him (John 10:28). Carry the shield of faith. The most powerful asset we have as believers is our faith. It helps us to resist the Enemy’s temptations by thinking, I know I have this need, but I trust in God. So I’ll wait for the Lord to provide for it in His way and in His time. We are well protected behind the shield of faith. Wear the helmet of salvation. The mind is Satan’s battlefield; it needs to be conscientiously and effectively guarded. In a spiritual battle, our assurance that we are saved will help repel the Enemy’s lies, which might cause us to question God or to think contrary to Scripture. With such certainty, our minds are able to remain steady. Carry the sword of the Spirit. God’s Word is both an offensive and defensive weapon. It makes inroads for the gospel (Heb. 4:12) and also protects us. As Jesus proved in His desert temptation, the Devil cannot stand against it. The spiritual battle raging around us is real and fierce (Eph. 6:12). We are not in the reserves, simply waiting to be called up. We are in the war. Soldier of God, are you fully dressed for battle?
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 15:35:28 +0000

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