Protest Petition for Cahir on Saturday at noon Cahir People - TopicsExpress


Protest Petition for Cahir on Saturday at noon Cahir People called to sign Petition on water Charges Cllr Andy Moloney has organised a 1 hour protest for 12noon on Saturday next 8th November at the Library Plaza in Cahir where he is calling on the people of the town and surrounds to come out and sign a petition to the government. Moloney had a motion for debate at the last monthly meeting of Tipperary Co Co where it was passed unanimously that “ Irish Water suspend all Charges until such time that they can provide a fit for purpose service. The motion was the only of its kind on the Clár and after over an hour of debate there was no need of a vote and it was carried by the floor. He pointed out that there were incidents where old ladies were without water for several days and were stocking up by filling milk cartons as they never knew from one day to another when they have water or other cases where water pressure is turned off every evening until morning and when its back it takes an hour to get the air locks out of the system. There are also sewage issues that are handled by Irish water that can take up to 3 months to sort out as the repairs are given to private contractors and not always the council who know the systems. There are many areas where there are Hard Water problems and Chloride issues,Low pressure and no water and until such time as these are sorted Moloney wants no charges. Cllr Moloney has stated from day one that the water is costing the state nothing but it’s the energy cost associated with providing water is where the charge lie. He states that the PSO levy increase by 50% since October has gone unnoticed in all the hype and that’s where we need to look. This levy will create revenue of €318 million this year or which goes to 5 energy suppliers all of which made profits last year and €94 million of this will go to renewable energies in 2015. Ireland has sufficient energy supplies until 2023 and had 7% less usage last year. Some people have no spare income to pay for this as he knows the hardship from representing the people of the area and how some families have to make decisions between milk or bread. It’s a living hell for many who can’t see any sign of this so called recovery and scaremongering will not change matters. He is calling for people to come to one of the only public building left in the town on Saturday to sign a petition for the government to acknowledge the motion passed by the whole county and respect the wishes of the Tipperary people. He has also called on all council nationally to move this motion in support. People can call and sign between 12 & 1pm and the petition will be sent to the Taoiseach. cahirnewsonline/posts.php?individualPost=yes&postid=744
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 10:12:01 +0000

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