Protestantism has caused me nothing but torment. It - TopicsExpress


Protestantism has caused me nothing but torment. It incentivized my parents divorce. It shielded a teacher who, when I was in preschool, smacked my face (and did so over a misunderstanding on her part). It excluded me. I cant even walk to and from Mass without being cursed at as a fag by some red-neck Protestant! (By the way, Im still not sure why that word is applied to me. I know that, because I dont constantly affirm love for ESPN, I come off as more effeminate than the average male today, but I have never engaged in sodomy, and I am probably its most ruthless critic in your circle of acquaintances.) Even the supposedly-devout in Protestant circles treat/treated me terribly. I recall, in ninth grade, a group of boys decided to do a series of intolerable things to me at lunch, taking advantage of the fact that I was friendless. Literally half of the cafeteria looked on as this happened, and the on-duty teacher, who was fond of these boys, was there also. Not a single word was spoken in my defense, and the teacher himself joined in on the mockery of me. I recall being especially appalled, because at the table next to me was a group of girls who were at the echelons of devout Christians of the school. Though they and I were not very close, I fully expected them to say something. But they didnt, because they, too, were fond of these boys. Later, they even rushed to their defense, when I sought punishment for the evil ones. (Even the punishment was never given.) That is not an isolated case, either. And, do you know who it was -- and I was shocked -- that defended me the most afterwards? A Muslim. I kept waiting for some Protestant authority -- even just one! -- to finally step in and say, Hey, you know what, bullies? If you treat people badly, and you refuse to conform yourself to Gods will, then you will go to Hell. But this support never came, and this is almost certainly due to the sola fide (faith alone) soteriological view of Protestantism. An otherwise-intelligent Lutheran pastor explained it to me in this way: We are saved by faith alone, but faith is never alone. Seriously, what the hell does that even mean? Not a single one of them ever bothered trying to impose obligations of charity, because it doesnt fit with their worldview. While the Church pleads for mercy and unity, Protestants, wearing their sickening masks of devotion, demand further division and plant seeds of carelessness. It is because of the latter that I suffer an extreme form of clinical depression. This is not all to say that supposed Catholics have never been rude. But their occasional abuse is never tolerated by the Church. There is no institutionalized sympathy for those who choose to be cruel. It is quite simple: if you are evil, you do not reside with Him that is eternally good -- and you will burn.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 10:20:18 +0000

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