Protocol IV of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion Roles that - TopicsExpress


Protocol IV of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion Roles that criss-crossed Republic - International Masonry at (goyim) - freedom and faith - international economic competition - the role of speculation - the worship of gold Each of the Republic does it have to go through several roles in her life. The first includes the early days after the establishment, and highlights the elements here Alehaug and madness, and dominates the hands of savages and the mob, swaying left and right Covenant wobble drunk. Second, it highlights the Oachop people, which keep track of all the crowed calling the instigator, and nest here, who graduated from the chaotic and take Baldbeb. This is the fate emergence of tyrannical authoritarian - not the legality of it is based and does not work in daylight, and with this he is bossy - carries liability, and is also responsible, but he is responsible to the power of subtle invisible, or to a secret organization, run from behind a screen, and this confusion on what it pleases without scruples nor a deterrent, because they operate in the shadows, hidden behind customers who Itbdlon, and Tbdelhm not it hurt, but helps the invisible force of the door of savings financial unfurled by the expenses of great substance that would trigger bonuses services long petition, then changed this to other being it forth After a long run. Who would be in a favorable position, or what is the area that Tlabsaa favorable conditions, to blow up this invisible force? All this holds for us, it can blow up those invisible force? We is. The Masons International, (goyim) serve us serve blind, to be a cover us Nhtgb from behind we are our purposes and pictures our plans, but our scheme prepared to work with the force, keep this whole nature also remains a place where, secretly deep not consulted by the Sun. And freedom in the home that we mentioned now, do not be harmful, and could find its stores in the state economy, without causing any harm to the people in their welfare, and that home is that you freedom on the basis of faith in God and the brotherhood of humanity, not related to the doctrine of equality, a belief denies laws of the universe, and this necessitated the dynamics and the occurrence of variation in the creatures, and undergo followers. If there was faith in God, it can be judged the people, that the land shall be divided into regions, and each region patron guardian, Visser people satisfied content with under the guidance of sponsor spiritual, to the will of God on earth, and this is why it is imperative that we have to Nnsf religion whole, to tear from the minds of goyim the principle that there are all usury, and spirit, and put into the figures and calculations of material needs. In order not to give the goyim time to think and Ruwayyah, they must transform their minds to industry and commerce. Thus, all the nations swallow a tendency to drift along busy behind the gain and sheep, including Vtlho in our hands, and puts it all to pay attention to who is in its consideration of the common enemy. We say again, that in order to see freedom has caused Mlashah goyim to another track, we must put industry on the rules of competition and rivalry. The result is that what pulls the industry of the country, sliding and seep into the hands and goes to the speculation, and then applying to us, in Vistqr into our class we are. The violent conflict in the request superiority and dominance, and tremors that affect the economic life, all of this will create, both to create even now, groups and communities of people distraught, Tarōha cold, as if Avidtha has collapsed and empty. These groups will be introduced by what develops in the same detestation of the atmosphere above the political, and religion. And what remains of them, however, Salwa Tgtbt collect money and gain, I mean gold Stabdh, and perish in the process, in order to gain what it needs from the intention was a foregone conclusion. Then the clock strikes, if the lower classes of the goyim fall to our leadership in the crawl to smash your opponents Almushariben to power, and they thought the people in the goyim, Veron at the end of this role. The motivation for these lower layers in response to us, does not make the booty, and do not collect the money, but for the revenge of those intellectual class, which now comes to time, I received a determination of the long awaited.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 00:23:04 +0000

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